Places to order CDs online


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland
We need a new thread where everyone lists places to buy albums. Post a link, preferably of somewhere you've ordered from and trust and maybe a little background information like where they're located and what they specialize in. I'm sure there are a few sites that only a couple of us know about that will be uncovered and provide a greater selection. - prog
I don't think I ever ordered from them but it's King Crimson's label so I know they kickass. :p - metal
Super cheap, quick shipping, and they run bundle packages. - extreme shit
Super cheap, excellent fucking service. - black metal, rarities
Excellent fucking service. - used everything
Cheap used stuff, sells rarities for normal price (when they have them). - everything but the most buried underground music
About 4 kinds of discounts if you work the system. - everything metal except the stuff I want
Good service, bad packaging and everything I want is always out of stock. - weird shit
Cheap, forget if I'd ordered from them though.

Here's the old thread by the way, a bit outdated probably:
fast service that rivals Willowtip. good prices. usually has some hard-to-find stuff
OK prices, fast service, lots of stuff other places don't have (Barbarian Wrath - Vinland)
low prices, awesome service, good CDs
low prices, fast service, lots of -core and grind and such
same as CAH but with more death metal
low prices, fast shipping, OK stock; one order from them got lost in the mail, but they've redeemed themselves
the best around
low prices, very trustworthy
bought from them once; super fucking fast
For us american folk, how long does it take THR to get you your order, including the time it takes to get the money to Sweden? And what's a good estimate of how much money to include for shipping so we don't have to figure out the damn grams thing. :p I guess you could just buy $120 worth of stuff, but that's a lot of damn money to send overseas.
I ordered from him once, total time from me sending money to getting a package was less than a week, seriously. Email him for a total, he doesn't charge much for shipping.

I hug my Helheim - Jormundgand and Ulver - Ondes Triumph with glee every time I think of THR. :Spin:
J. said:
super fast, but a little pricey, plus you have to buy at least two items

About evil music, i've read on another forum that they are quite bad businessmen since that orders never arrive, CDs that are advertized new turn up damaged and not giving a fuck about customer satisfaction.
Evil Music is a little unreliable yes. 17 Thumbs up for THR though. I get my packages usually exactly one week from the day I send the money.
THR is indeed good. I've ordered from there twice. Once, the entire tranaction took only 1 week. THe other time took 2 weeks.

Hmmm, each time I've ordered from Evil Music (3 times) everything went fine and I received new products in 2 days max.
This is like deja vu. Didn't we already talk about the merits of Evil Music in another thread? They are excellent - they have cool stuff between $9-$13 (including the Destruction Sentence/Infernal 2CD for $11!!!), the items arrive within 48-72 hours, they respond to e-mails within the hour. Where on earth did they get this bad rap from!?

Also, you have to order 2 CD's minimum? That must be new...either that, or I normally order more than 1 CD at a time anyway so I wouldn't have noticed, heh.
JayKeeley said:
This is like deja vu. Didn't we already talk about the merits of Evil Music in another thread? They are excellent - they have cool stuff between $9-$13 (including the Destruction Sentence/Infernal 2CD for $11!!!), the items arrive within 48-72 hours, they respond to e-mails within the hour. Where on earth did they get this bad rap from!?

Also, you have to order 2 CD's minimum? That must be new...either that, or I normally order more than 1 CD at a time anyway so I wouldn't have noticed, heh.
For awhile their mailorder was sketchy since Prozak was slowly disconnecting himself from Evil Music and ANUS. They hade trouble finding reliable people, confusion ensued, etc. I think they're pretty much back to normal now.