Places to record in Ireland


New Metal Member
May 23, 2009
A guy i met in an irc channel told me to come here to ask about this as he reckons my band are being ripped off.

We plan on recording a 4 to 5 track EP this summer. The place we are going to is data recording studios in Kerry, Ireland link

Their price, last i checked was 280 per day, not incluing V.A.T.

So opinions?

Are we being ripped off?

Thanks in advance for any replies
ryanair to lübeck=27€ (roughly)
I can supply you with all instruments (highest quality) and also offer accomodation directly at the studio.
AND I'm cheaper ;)
check my stuff at:
Sparkyness on here seems the most professional Irish-based Sneapster (professional meaning years of experience and gear), but James (actofvengeance) seems like a competent dude as well, and I'm sure there's someone else I'm forgetting, so sorry dude, whoever you are! :)
Yea i can hook you up im based in Waterford area but do the whole mobile/on site tracking thing and im cheap as chips. Do your self a favor and avoid the studios in Ireland for metal they are ass backwards at it for the most part.
Pm me if you want any further info.
I record guys in Ireland, I'm Limerick based. My gears not insane but my mics are pretty nice. Studios here are a fuckin rip off. Most of the bands I get to me have horror stories and seem to find my way of working a very welcome change, getting some return business from 'em and starting to get some work through reputation. I've only been recording other bands and people for about a year and a half.

You can get 4 days with me for the price of one in data- if you're interested hit me up on

If I had to choose somewhere else in Ireland to record my metal band I'd go with trackmix- mickrich i think the guy posts on here by- you can check out his stuff on his studio's myspace. He clearly knows his shit!

Whats the name of your band? I work with a metal gig promotions crowd and we put on gigs on a weekly basis, I might know your band
Only about 2/3's of the stuff I've done is metal and hard rock, I've done alot of acoustic stuff and a few kinda indie/alternative bands. Done a couple of trad people too. It's great to get a fresh project every now and then,
Whats the band and where are they from in Ireland? I still might know 'em?
Im well aquainted with data recording studios having spend about 2 months in there for my sound course. Its a nice place, some serious gear especially there mics and the desk(although the amps out there are unreal too, they have an original ac30 and a mesa 400+ amongst other things). Live rooms massive(and i mean MASSIVE) and theres a smaller room that they some times use as the live room if your looking for a tighter sound too.

Ive heard some good quality tracks coming out of there and some mleh tracks coming out of there. A lot of there mixes seem to be geared tword a more alternitave rock sound though, but id imagine youve already checked out a portfolio of the studios work. If it was my cash on the line I wouldnt record there though. Theres much better places out there for the cash if your willing to go to a home studio or fly out to somewhere else in europe, thanks to ryanair flyings a pittance these days.

If your looking for a killer place to record in Ireland though id reccomend manor park studios up north. Its pretty pricey and theres a waiting list but a mate o mines band went up there and the result was FANTASTIC. The guy is meant to be realy sound too and his fee includes decent accomodation and mastering too i believe.
More Irish here than I thought! Lol!
If you wanna go with a 'studio' I'd personally only track the drums and vocals there and get James (actofvengence) or Ciaran(if6was9) to do the rest. I know James has some lovely amps alright!
Your best bet is to PM James and Ciaran and work something out there! :)
I run Trackmix in Dublin.
Recently recorded albums for Abaddon Incarnate, Putrefy, Morphosis.
Check my myspace.
Also check the myspaces for the above bands to hear more stuff.
I have a lot of experience recording metal.
PM to call out for a chat and view the studio.
I am in Blanchardstown in Dublin.
Thanks to if6was9 for dropping my name ;-)