Play Along Songs

There's a link to that Far Away tab on this forum, isn't there? I remember downloading it but didn't have the swanky stuff needed to view it >_<
Bassist_of_Osiris said:

Im a Bass player, as my name sugests, and I really wanna play along to some PQ songs, but I can't Find any tabs of music anywhere.

To Much Effort to Tab it Myself, any1 Know where I can find some???

You must have read my mind - but I was looking for guitar tabs - will check out the link, cheers steve. Maybe more soon??? :grin:
AWWW!! Some tab would be absolutely superb, nothing more inspiring than being able to play music that you love. I'll be getting all guitar and bass methinx....I've played bass for too long to still be playing the crap that I know!!