Pleading to the Sneapsters!


Bloody vaginal belch
Oct 20, 2007
Yo dudes and dudettes!

We have just finished some decent vocals to our song "Wild Blood", but before i want to start mixing the song, id like it if you Sneapsters would help me out with a choir screaming: "WILD BLOOD!" in our refrain?
(Kinda like "Skid Row - Youth Gone Wild")

Anyways, here is the refrain(Me and the bra's dont want to release to much material at once.):

Its in 120bpm, ive synced it so that you dont have to worry about aligning the clip to the click(If you are going to use one that is.).

So please help me out with this one, and have a most triumphant time!
That's like, a seriously cool 80's sounding snare drum in there dude!

I might be laying down some vocals for one of my own tracks at the weekend, if I get time I can record a few "WILD BLOOD!" shouts for you if you like?

Shall I just sing along to the track you've provided then send you the raw .wav files?
[quote="Evil" Aidy;8166693]That's like, a seriously cool 80's sounding snare drum in there dude!

I might be laying down some vocals for one of my own tracks at the weekend, if I get time I can record a few "WILD BLOOD!" shouts for you if you like?

Shall I just sing along to the track you've provided then send you the raw .wav files?[/quote]

Thanks dude! :kickass:

Check your pm's, ive sent you a cute little message there.

More people shouting Wild Blood would be appreciated(The more the merrier!).

*breathes in*

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAH jesus christ dude, this is so freakin' ridiculous; and what the hell does "Wild Blood" mean? :lol: Honestly, if I didn't know better, I'd think it was like an 80s parody band, but that's probably just cuz I think this style of music is so freakin' silly (and also, I have to admit the vocals are especially goofy :D). Sorry I can't help out (I only have a 57 and no vocal talents), but yeah, good luck! And thanks for the laugh :D And +1 to props for the awesome snare 'verb, but the whole mix sounds like it's under a blanket...

*breathes in*

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAH jesus christ dude, this is so freakin' ridiculous; and what the hell does "Wild Blood" mean? :lol: Honestly, if I didn't know better, I'd think it was like an 80s parody band, but that's probably just cuz I think this style of music is so freakin' silly (and also, I have to admit the vocals are especially goofy :D). Sorry I can't help out (I only have a 57 and no vocal talents), but yeah, good luck! And thanks for the laugh :D And +1 to props for the awesome snare 'verb, but the whole mix sounds like it's under a blanket...


*breathes in*

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAH jesus christ dude, this is so freakin' ridiculous; and what the hell does "Wild Blood" mean? :lol: Honestly, if I didn't know better, I'd think it was like an 80s parody band, but that's probably just cuz I think this style of music is so freakin' silly (and also, I have to admit the vocals are especially goofy :D). Sorry I can't help out (I only have a 57 and no vocal talents), but yeah, good luck! And thanks for the laugh :D And +1 to props for the awesome snare 'verb, but the whole mix sounds like it's under a blanket...

Someone has a downtuned protooled penis in his butt!
Thanks for the critique though, i would have taken it more seriously if you actually had something constructive to say.

Edit: Oh, and what the fuck happened to you? Mental break down or something? You've always seemed like a nice guy to me, but seriously, this shit is insane.

*breathes in*

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAH jesus christ dude, this is so freakin' ridiculous; and what the hell does "Wild Blood" mean? :lol: Honestly, if I didn't know better, I'd think it was like an 80s parody band, but that's probably just cuz I think this style of music is so freakin' silly (and also, I have to admit the vocals are especially goofy :D). Sorry I can't help out (I only have a 57 and no vocal talents), but yeah, good luck! And thanks for the laugh :D And +1 to props for the awesome snare 'verb, but the whole mix sounds like it's under a blanket...

Yo dudes and dudettes!

We have just finished some decent vocals to our song "Wild Blood", but before i want to start mixing the song, id like it if you Sneapsters would help me out with a choir screaming: "WILD BLOOD!" in our refrain?
(Kinda like "Skid Row - Youth Gone Wild")

Anyways, here is the refrain(Me and the bra's dont want to release to much material at once.):

Its in 120bpm, ive synced it so that you dont have to worry about aligning the clip to the click(If you are going to use one that is.).

So please help me out with this one, and have a most triumphant time!

Downloaded and noticed this:


:loco: :headbang:
I'm sorry dude, I didn't mean to be that much of a dick; I figured you guys wouldn't take yourself too seriously and would be able to have a laugh, but of course I'm sure your music is important to you and I'm sorry for mocking it that way!
Yeah, I'm sorry, I really only meant it as joking ball-busting, but reading it again I see I definitely took it too far :erk:
I'm sorry dude, I didn't mean to be that much of a dick; I figured you guys wouldn't take yourself too seriously and would be able to have a laugh, but of course I'm sure your music is important to you and I'm sorry for mocking it that way!

Actually, we dont take our self that seriously, and we do realize that our lyrics are cheezy, but that post was just so over the top.
If you didnt use "HAHAHAHA" so much, and the word ridiculous, it wouldnt have been so bad.

But hey, if you honestly didnt mean it like "You guys should just fuck off and stop playing music" like your post looked like, then thats cool. ;)
As i said, we are no morons who take our lyrics as serious business, we are only striving to be REALLY 80's(Although we dont want to be a "parody".).
Actually, we dont take our self that seriously, and we do realize that our lyrics are cheezy, but that post was just so over the top.
If you didnt use "HAHAHAHA" so much, and the word ridiculous, it wouldnt have been so bad.

But hey, if you honestly didnt mean it like "You guys should just fuck off and stop playing music" like your post looked like, then thats cool. ;)
As i said, we are no morons who take our lyrics as serious business, we are only striving to be REALLY 80's(Although we dont want to be a "parody".).

Yeah, you're absolutely right man, and I totally didn't mean that - the "hahaha's" and stuff were just a verbalization of the fact that I think that kind of music in general is pretty silly (and I was on a coffee high ;)) and that's where the parody thing came from, but yeah, it was totally tactless on my part, so again, my apologies, I totally didn't mean to imply I thought you guys specifically were bad or anything!
Yeah, you're absolutely right man, and I totally didn't mean that - the "hahaha's" and stuff were just a verbalization of the fact that I think that kind of music in general is pretty silly (and I was on a coffee high ;)) and that's where the parody thing came from, but yeah, it was totally tactless on my part, so again, my apologies, I totally didn't mean to imply I thought you guys specifically were bad or anything!

That alright dude, we all have our weak moments.
But as i said, i(we) totally agree that we are cheezy like hell!
I mean, we are honestly influenced by the music from Biker Mice From Mars and Michael Jackson! :lol:

But anyways, thats cool dude.. shit happens, all the time!

I sound like a 12yr old with an extremely deep voice. Sorry, can't help ya.

Hehe. ;)
Listen to early Dokken, Pantera, Ratt etc. and you will hear the same thing there.
It takes a long time for a voice like that to mature, just look at the above examples: Phil was 23 on Power Metal, and our singer is 19, and then take in account that Phil has an extremely dark voice.
Or look at Don Dokken, he was 30 years old when they recorded "Breaking The Chains"! :loco:
Im trying to download this.. but the FUCKING CAPTCHA SHIT WONT LET ME!!
ahum.. what im saying is that i cant read it and when i seem to have the right code, it still resets itself.. perhaps time for a dropbox upgrade? it's great and it's direct.