Please give me your opinión/melodic death metal

The balance between all the elements seems pretty perfect, I don't think It'll get much better from there. Low end is tight, everything else in the other ranges sounds clean. My only problem is with the guitars, the character of the distortion sounds great and really squishy with the palm muted parts, which is why I changed my mind about asking how they were amped, but in any case, they sound a bit honky to me; from :50 to 1:00 it really stands out, and after that I can't un-hear that quality of the guitars. I hate mixing guitars myself and I'll probably have problems with it 10 or 20 years from now, so I'm not sure what to say about them; the way you mixed them sounds very balanced, but, something is not right about them to my ear... If you cut a lot of the mids out, consider cutting less? Honestly, I'm not sure what to suggest, otherwise I wouldn't have a problem with guitars, haha.

Also, the bass line starting at :13 immediately makes me think "MIDI bass" because the top end presence is suspiciously consistent... Is it MIDI bass? If so, maybe try to make that robotic top end a little less obvious? The low end doesn't really matter since it's less audible.

Otherwise, great!
Thanks for your time, bass is a real bass, maybe is too much edited, drums aré metal foundry and guitars aré kemper.
From 0:50 to 1:00 I automated, eq cut in lower mids off, maybe I should suck a little moré low mids.

I will try it!!
Thanks again