Please Help!! Distortion When Recording Vox w/Line 6 UX1


Mar 7, 2011
Ok I hope this is the right place for this thread. I'm trying to record vocals with a ux1 like the post says. I have 2 mics and both are giving me a high frequency distortion even at low recording levels. I included a clip of said distortion, the first one is my rode nt-2000 (using a phantom power box with it) at atmittedly too high of lrecording levels. so we can blame that first take on the mic being too hot. The second take is same mic with very low levels. third one is the second take just with a maximizer on it too bring up the levels so you can hear that the distortion is still very present when the volume is brought up. and third one is a take recorded on an audix i5 with the same distortion. idk wtf is causing it but it's driving me crazy, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. i dont have access to another preamp atm but if thats what it's going to take to get rid of this i might have to pony up the dough. thanks in advance good people of UM

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Anyone else? I really don't think that's the case. Granted I don't think I have the greatest voice ever but I've recorded on other people's equipment without getting that strange buzz in my voice. If it's my method of recording, or equipment I could understand but I have a hard time believing theres some high frequency tone present in my voice and no one else, including me has ever noticed until now, coincidently when i first start recording vocals on my own for the first time.
I had the same problem with a UX2!!! so i bought a new mic, and a saffire pro, new cables... and the problem was still thereeeeeeeeeeeee
Damn, did you ever try a standalone preamp into the line in? That was my next thought is I could get one of those little ART tube pres for like 70 bucks or whatever. Just to hold me over for a month or two until I buy a decent interface.
Yes, i used a dbx preamp. Same shit. I thought it was jitter. That`s why i bought a new interface. i`m begining to think it is my voice....
nah that must be different than what i'm referring to. I mean mic technique maybe could be to blame if you (or I) are overdriving the mic by singing too loud or something. But like i said i've recorded on other rigs where i didn't hear this sound. this is not a human sound i'm hearing it's almost like feedback you can hear it buzzing even on the really quiet one, it's not just the tone of my voice.