please help, judge, rate, praise, tear apart....

Hm, it's almost all guitars (very nice sounding guitars, though). The drums are very very low in the mix so I can't really hear them that well but they seem to be lacking attack and body. Vocals could be louder, too.
It sounds really good however in addition to what every one else said I would try to warm up the vocals a bit, they seem a little dry and cold as far as general impressions go, maybe a warmer compression plugin or verb or something, guitars and drums sound bitchin though.
Sounds wicked mate! Nice and big sounding, any tips on what you did to get the drums sounding so big will be appreciated ;)


drums are partly sample augmented, I replaced the kick with a blend of 2-3 kicks, the snare is about 40-50 original, the rest is a blend of different samples.
those blend consists of 50% the kits own sample and 50% of the snare from alestrom which again is a sample of 2 different snares, it's actually even the same drummer cause we loaned him to the storm ;)

there's some upward-compression on snare, kick and toms (actually alot)

in the entire project I used nothing but Waves-API, MH-Channelstrip and a bit VTAPE for processing (exept fx like reverb,Delay etc which are cubase FX).
there's a bit of API EQ and Compression on the Drumbus as well.

mics were: Snare sm57 top and bottom
Overhead (close miced) Neumann km184, Ride: AKG 414XLII, Hats (not used in this song): sm7, Toms Audix D2.
Snare and Overhead: API 3124+
Hats: Safe Sound Audio P1
Toms: RME Quadmic
Ride: Focusrite Octopre

RME converters

Guits are 2 tracks of 5150 (biasmodded) and 2 tracks of early 93 Dual Recto (no post EQ on guitars ept HP@45Hz and LP@12.5k)

the Bass actually I didn't like, it is from our first tracking-session and we didn't have the time to retrack it, the other songs on the Cd will have better basstones.

Male-Vox are SM7 intp SPL Goldmike Female vox: AKG 414 into SPL Goldmike.

Fuckload of compression on the vox: about 6-8 dB from the Safe Sound Audio on the way in (4:1 5-8ms) then distorted, and another 6 dB of API comp with a 4:1 ratio, .3ms attack, 200ms release. then API EQ SPL De-Esser (plugin) and a bit more compression from VTAPE

API comp on the 2bus (10ms attack, 50ms release, 1.5 or 2:1 ratio 2-3 dB reduction and VTAPE again (just a smidge)

mastering through TC Finalizer with a narrow 3dB boost at 63 Hz HP at 25Hz a TINY bit of 3-Band comp (couldpost the setting if you should be interested, but don't see why you should be).

oh, and there's a bit of a .800s room on the drums as well (in addition to the 1.5s reverb on snare and toms).

the 800ms room is the same one I'm using on the vox and I'm sending the delay and split-harmonizer-busses to as well.
then there's a bit of 1/4 and 1/8 delay on the vox and also a spilt harmonizer (all cubase)
That's definitely better, though, imho, the kick still lacks body and attack. Oh, and nice work :rock:

actually I thought the kick might already be too big in the very lows (it's pretty fat in the 50-60hz range that some speakers have problems reproducing tho) for the attack I've got a bit of the pantera kick in there, I thought that made it already pretty clicky ;)

you know, I'm trying not to use the same samples all the time and in this case the kits original kick sounded shite so sampling it was of no use and I had to use older samples I've recorded earlier and augment those with some outside samples (like the pantera kick)
Oops, sorry, I didn't mean the click by saying 'attack'. I was refering more to the what you get when you increase the 'attack' of a compressor. It has more than enough click :) As for the body, I meant the higher lows (around 70-110 maybe)