please help me(pro tools relink problems)


No Care Ever
i renamed a session folder and now its prompting me to relink the files when i open a session inside the folder. this usually wouldnt be a problem, but pro tools wont automatically relink them, and when i select manual relink, the session folder isnt even an option to select. I have roughly 25 session folders(each a different band), and only 8 of them are options to select when manually relinking.

any clue as to why this is? It would be great if i could actually select a folder that i KNOW is there.
Any way to find out the old session name? I definitely cant remember it or else i would have just reverted to the old sessions' name

on the left is the session folders i have to choose from when manually relinking. On the right is the actual amount of folders on that hard drive.
I'm alittle confused, but i think i can help.

Click the check box for the folder you want to search. Then click the missing file in the window. Click ifnd all candidates. Click the right one ( there should be an icon next to is that looks like an O or a fig 8), Then click commit links. Do that for all of the files.