Please Help!

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
I have been talking with the owner of the local rock oriented bar into having a Metal Monday and having me dj. He has said that he is very interested in it, but that what he has been saying for 3 months and nothing has gone into action. So I was thinking maybe if I made a more formal approach typed out etc it might help a little more. So here is my proposal and I would like any suggestions or extra input please.



ps Rob or Chris feel free to delete is if you wish.

EDIT: Include song choices that you think I should put on a mix cd.

Revolver’s Monday Metal Miltia
Hosted By DJ Ian

Who: Me and hopefully as many metal heads as possible young and old

Purpose: To bring metal to the masses of Kansas City. I believe that most people are too lazy or just don’t care enough about music to do the research that it sometimes requires to find truly good amazing music. Heavy Metal music has truly touched my life and I want it to touch others. I want to show people there is music other than Evanesence and The Darkness two bands that seem to be terrible versions of bands that have been around for a while. Nightwish for example are a huge band in Europe and having doing the whole female lead singer thing since 1996 while Evanesence has only been around since approximately 2002. In my opinion The Darkness is cheap version of the legend Ronnie James Dio. With the over the top vocals and killer guitar solos.

True some people in the Kansas City area know of bands that they are exposed to via MTV, radio etc. Such bands could include In Flames, Trivium, and Dragonforce. In Flames draws a lot from the bands Death and At The Gates two bands not many people know about in our local scene. Even though these bands are very revered in the European Melodic Death Metal scene. Then they are bands that also draw from these roots that are around today, but don’t get the recognition that they deserve due to the fact that they aren’t supported enough by the record label or some extenuating circumstances such as Dark Tranquility, Darkane, Soilwork, and Scar Symmetry.

Trivium’s sound is like a mix of Bay Area Thrash (ie old Metallica) and Metalcore (ie Shadows Fall or Killswitch Engage). Well what about the people that just now are founding out about this scene that don’t know about Testament, Slayer, Exodus, Hirax, or Heathen. All the a fore mentioned bands existed at the same time and in the same scene as Metallica. Then they are the other bands from around the world that are also Thrash oriented bands but put a different twist. Bands such as Destruction, Kreator, Sodom, or Sadus are legends in the European Thrash Metal scene and I believe that they would transfer over well to the Americans. Then I could throw in the more modern day bands such as Shatter Messiah (a band new even to me), Biomechanical, or Municipal Waste.

Then there are the people that like Dragonforce. This band is taking the world by storm right now and I think that if we exposed people to these bands that it would help boost the sales of the records to mention bring them to Kansas City. Old school bands like Helloween, Metal Church, Gamma Ray, Manowar, Virgin Steele, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden ……. I could go on and on as this my favorite style of music. Then there are the newer up in comers that have a similar style but not enough exposure Cellador, Sonata Arctica, Circus Maximus, or Kamelot. You can’t forget the mid generation bands from the mid-late 90s such as Blind Guardian, Iced Earth, or Primal Fear.

There are other genres and such that I could go into, but I feel that what I have exhibited here is something that clearly exemplifies my point.

· I would be willing to hand out flyers for Monday Metal Militia at the concerts I go to since I am at almost every metal show in the KC Metro area.
· I would be willing to handle a MySpace specifically for the evening in discussion.
o Have a requests section of the site, and then I or the dj could do our best to play the songs the people want to hear as well as expose them to a new bands
· Have pre-made playlists that people can have copies of so that way they know what song was what in case they can’t remember.
· Attempt to have record/dvd release parties where we would play/show the entire media. Since the record/dvd would come out the following Tuesday (the next day) to help encourage record sales.
· If there happens to be a concert on a Monday maybe we could schedule a meet and greet earlier in the day

Final Goal

The final goal is to unite metal heads young and old in song of new and some already gold and in drink that is god damn cold! Not to mention promote business for my favorite bar in Kansas City. I would suggest some kind draw special and include Boulevard Wheat in the draw special and maybe cheap wells /or jager shots not bombs.