Please rate my mix guys

Skin Manikin

Beer & Metal !!!
May 31, 2008
Hi huys ,I'm new here.
I heard some of your mixes, and I must say, I'm freakin'!!!

My brother recorded my band and I was mixing the music part only, so I wanted some oppinions on my job.

No vocals here just 2 guitz, drumz, bass and some synths.

you'll find the link to the file on the page.
And you'll have to rename it from .zip to .mp3 or just drop into winamp.

Sorry guys, now there's a new verison up and you will be able to open that

the file name is: draconic-throughescapemixww2fixfchorusfixwl
above it says AUDIO!

Thanx guys!
I think it's a damn good mix man. The drums are kind of dry and tubby for my taste, but over all I think it sounds pretty good. Toms might be a little loud. That drummer is a badass though. Nice work.
The toms are too loud for my taste, and i would like to hear some more overall low end, but except of that - really great! :rock:
Damn. Great stuff... Really good. Can you "elaborate", how you're doin' those samples (at the begining etc...) What did you used as a source?

Any details about whole process?

TIA, SkyMan

P.s.: Pozdrav iz Slovenije. Stvarno si napravio svjetski mix. Ako bih čuo ovu stvar nekdje na kakvom CD-ju, stvarno bi mislio, da je to uradio neki pro-majstor. Ozbiljno.
First of all, THANX FOR THE FEEDBACK GUYS!!! :rock:

I kind-of wanted to achieve a Chimaira-Resurection type of overall sound, I couldn't squeeze out more of th low end cos the mix was damn loud.
I made the toms that loud cos they asked me to, like on the Lamb Of God - Sacrament album, but I think also they're too loud, and allso that's why the drums are so tubby so Tommy Gun you're welcome to suggest anything, please do so.

elmoe how do you think I should add more low-end without destroying the mix, Cos if you have noticed there are some parts that just blast with bass and some that are thinner because the bass and the guitar are playing some high parts? Thanx

Damn. Great stuff... Really good. Can you "elaborate", how you're doin' those samples (at the beginning etc...) What did you used as a source?

Any details about whole process?

TIA, SkyMan

P.s.: Pozdrav iz Slovenije. Stvarno si napravio svjetski mix. Ako bih čuo ovu stvar nekdje na kakvom CD-ju, stvarno bi mislio, da je to uradio neki pro-majstor. Ozbiljno.

The samples in the mix are taken from various movies etc and simply inserted into the mix. The bigest problem was finding the compression ratio so they don't dissapear in the background or jump out cos they were realy low quality, and their dynamic range was terrible. The samples were brought by my bass player, who had a sick idea of creating a chaos and I was thrilled to do it!
The keys are played by our keyboard guy, the parts were panned and delayed so they give a wider wibe to the key-only parts.

Any other suggestions and questions are welcome guys

Well... Tubby generally comes from an abundance of low-mids. Back off the low-mids on the toms and the kicks, and it should clean up quite a bit. You may also find it easier, after that's done, to hear a lot of good, clean, punchy lows that may already be there. You may also find that the Toms may no longer have a volume issue afterwards. Too much low mid can muddy up a mix quickly.