please rate my mix!


New Metal Member
Jun 16, 2007
hey guys I posted a while ago intro-ing myself and all that but i haven't done anything till now. Sorry it's been a while, finally started mixing. This is one of the first songs I gotta work on. I JUST started mixing literally this weekend. I'm trying to go for a semi more organic/raw sound without too much compression or effects etc. (Also cause I can barely hear compression unless they're at extreme settings!) My ear isn't as developed I'm a noob. I always find it intimidating to post anything here since everybody's got such great ears. Oh yeah, no vox yet.

This song's called Lovegun. Hasn't been fully edited yet, some parts can still be tightened up. Guitars need more editing, and I'm struggling with the guitars and bass! I've been trying to get a nice distorted bass sound for more body and I've ended up with what you hear. The guitars sound crappola. WHat do you guys recommend? Whaddy'all think it needs?? THANKS in advance!
Can barely hear drums bro. Also, what gear did you record guitar on? Getting the best sound pre DAW is always what you should aim for - the guitars here sound quite weak and rather tinny..
Agreed.. it's a great song and the mix is there, it's just unbalanced.

I would say turn down the bass first, it's the loudest thing in the mix.. then turn up those drums a lot till they are on par with the guitars, and then pull the bass back in the mix.. should do the trick.
Whoa, I like the bass! Sounds like a pig grunting.

I think everything sounds good just unbalanced volume wise.

Rhythm guitars are too soft, leads too loud. Drums are soft too. Bass too loud.

Share some info about the bass perhaps? I would appreciate it!
Unfortunately for the guitars there was a lot of hard ships. Amp stopped working mid-recording. The room we had it isolated in was my drummer's basement (he has some sort of iso-like room for his drums where we recorded everything). It's not the greatest, it was made more for sound proofing as opposed to a treated room. I blame it on my mic placement though, cause my gear does sound pretty good at gigs and live etc. I really should've given it more attention but it was just so hard to tell what sounded good in that room, the amp never sounded good in that room and I should've taken note! EQ'ing it as best I can during post-prod but not really workin lol. Thus I decided to beef up the bass to give the mix more body. I used a b52 at100 and avatar 2x12 with v30s. Single mic'ed with a 57, double tracked.

As for the bass man it was complex as our bassist left the band right in the middle of recording so i had to play the parts and record it, but didn't have a bass amp:
it was an edwards bass borrowed from a friend, I think it was a Lunasea signature model. DI'ed right in, clean. I took the DI'ed signal and copied/pasted a total of 3. Basically followed SLY's method:

With slight differences (I'll try to be as accurate as possible):
DI track 1:
2 band EQ: 4.5kish boost 10db Q at 100, 275hz cut 13.5db Q at 58.6
High pass at 35hz, low pass at 4k

DI track 2:
Amplitude AMPEG SVX using the ROCK SVT-4 1 preset.
EQ on the head: Complete cut 35hz, 3/4 boost at 80hz, 150hz neutral, 3/4 boost at 300hz, 600hz neutral, 3/4 boost at 900hz, 2khzjust above neutral, 5khz neutral, 8khz neutral. Hih pass at 35hz, low pass at 4k.

DI track 3: (this is where I got the distorted sound from)

JCM 900 model from simulanalog guitar suite- ch B, drive at .4, low at.3, mids 7, highs 9, presence 10, volume 6.5.

Amplitube Ampeg SVX with the rock SVT-41 preset again with EQ like:
35,80 and 150hz completely cut, 300hz NEARLY completely cut, just boosted a tad before, 600hz cut, 900hz a bit above neutral, 3/4 boost at 2khz, 5 and 8k completely cut.

ANOTHER JCM 900 on top of all this set on CH B. Drive at 9.7, Lows at .6, Mids at 9, highs at 10, presence at 10, volume at 10.

4 band EQ: -3db cut at 28khz, Q 7. +9.5db at 1083hz, Q at 100. -18db cut at 2538hz, Q at 58.9, -11.6db cut at 11561khz q at 7.

C1 Gate/expander: just to eliminate the background noises and hiss etc from the distortion sounds. Settings from up to down : Gate, Floor at -inf, GateOpen at -14.3, Gateclose at -14.3, Attack 2, Release 30, Hold 0.01

and finally, high pass at 300hz, low pass at 3k.

Notice my settings are really really random? I followed Sly's guidelines and EQ'ed adjusted the rest by ear. Referencing the bass sound from the band Beneath The Massacre, track was called lithium overdose.

Anyway, thanks for the comments guys! I'll keep workin on the guitars and see what I can do with'em, balance everything out and post again!
Hey dude, thanks for sharing your settings. I really appreciate it.:kickass:

I'll check out your updates for sure.
added vox and mastered it.
This is pretty much the final outcome so far, everybody seems happy with it!

edit: it's a little bottom heavy but I'm gonna give it a couple more listens, I kinda like it like this.