Not sure, it sounds black albumish to me. Great for some, not so great for others. Put some slate black album drum samples to it and vua la! (did I spell that last word right?).

"Voila" - it's french. It mean's "there it is"

i dont have the money for slate drums :(
i am using free software....

Did you deliberately go for the black album guitar tone crossed with Justice for all bass tone?:lol:

no! i just try to EQng the guitars with bass in mind

sorry for my bad english
I'd raise the mids up on the 8505 two or three notches. Better to fix it at the source than with EQ.

ist done, check the updated link and let me know...

the drums are just a sample from this amazing forum :(

4 AM here i cant sleepo_O
i can't believe this plugins are free:worship: