Please take a look at my planned PC system


Mar 16, 2009
Germany - Munich
Hey guys,
im rather new to recording and also new to pc specifics and stuff. As i recorded till now with a multimedia acer laptop, and it's slowing down real quick when a few plugins are involved, i want to get a new pc.
a friend of mine helped me configure this setup, cause i dont know much about pcs. yes, it should be a pc and not a mac. i would be very glad if you guys could look over it and tell me if its a good rig!

im running cubase 4 (still) btw and own a m-audio profire 2626.

Mainboard: MSI P55-GD65
Core™ i5-750 Prozessor
Graphics: ATI HD4350 512 MB
RAM: takeMS DIMM 4 GB DDR3-1333 Kit
CPU Cooler: Shuriken Rev. B
Power supply:Enermax PRO82+ 385W
DVD: LiteOn iHAS524
Harddisk: 1x1,5 TB
Card Reader 68in1 intern USB2

its approx. 750€

What would you change, if there is sth to change at all?
Thanks a lot for your help and a happy new year!
+ 1 to the HDs
And I like the idea of having a more powerful power suply. I'd like to recommend you the Enermax but I had a problem with mine (Noisetaker II 420W). It fried in an overload, and not only the fuse. I'm very glad with my new OCZ
Depending on what kind of work you do (if its a lot with virtual instruments, or do a lot of editing), and assuming you're running W7 not XP, I'd go for 6gb of ram instead of 4gb.

You might want to PM Ermz, he built an i7 PC, dual-boot (audio/rest) with a few HDs. Might be able to hel pyou out a bit.
yeah, im rather editing and mixing, but arent using too much virtual instruments. this system would come without any OS, so i could choose XP or Windows7, since i get it from the university i attend.
okey, i put it back on the workbench! thanks so far!
Yeah definately more than 1 HD. Also +1 to a dual boot system if you intend to use the PC for general internet/iTunes/other crap as well as audio work. I just installed 2 copies of XP on my machine and the audio side of things is absolutely singing.
Yeah definately more than 1 HD. Also +1 to a dual boot system if you intend to use the PC for general internet/iTunes/other crap as well as audio work. I just installed 2 copies of XP on my machine and the audio side of things is absolutely singing.

got it. of course i want to have internet access on it, but nothing else than audio is planned for this system. so i guess, there is no need for a dual boot right?

of 4 solid states (due to the lack of large sizes) :headbang: but they are very expensive

unluckily, i dont have more than 800-900 euro to spend on the rig, and i am aiming for the best in the prize range, you know.
just change out the 1.5TB for like 2 500s or something, get a 550W power supply, and MAYBE if you just feel like spending a lil extra money get a better graphics card for around $70-$100.

other than that man your comps gonna be blazin!
just change out the 1.5TB for like 2 500s or something, get a 550W power supply, and MAYBE if you just feel like spending a lil extra money get a better graphics card for around $70-$100.

other than that man your comps gonna be blazin!
DEFINITELY need a bigger power supply. 550W will do, I usually go for 700 just in-case I want to improve for any reason.
What case are you getting?
didnt think about that until now ... i think i would get some cheap one, or should i care about something?

another question about the harddisk:
would i need to have 2 harddisks, or could i get the same result with partitioning the one in-build into 2 virtual disks? does anybody have experiences with that?
new concept:

ATX Enermax Pro 82+ 525W
Intel Mainboard GA-EP45 UD3LR
Intel Core2Quad Q9400 2,66GHz
2x4096 MB RAM
512MB Sapphire Radeon Graphicsboard
1,5TB Seagate Barracuda Harddrive
Invest in a good psu with more power than you need too.

Thats the case I got and when I first switched it on I thought I'd fucked up the build because I couldn't hear it running.

that's the case i would get
got it. of course i want to have internet access on it, but nothing else than audio is planned for this system. so i guess, there is no need for a dual boot right?

Maybe... One of the many reasons I did this was because I was getting pops and clicks in my audio and after many months finding reasons one of the big ones was the network card pinging the router every minute or so. Not everyone seems to have this problem though....
For case, I definitely would recommend Antec P182. I'm also using a passive CPU cooler, Thermalright Ultra-120 Extreme and a fanless graphics card. Can't remember PSU from the top of my head but it's a very quiet one. All in all, you have to focus to hear the computer!