Please take a moment to vote in this poll

I just voted, is this something that might be happening?

We could start a fund raising drive, if that would help any...

I would definitely support this community.
I think the bands should pay at least 10 bucks per month
but if we(the fans and UM users)have some money to share with the donations should use it.I am gonna make a donation this time because I love this place
We're just looking at lot's of possibilities at the moment, we need to take every avenue into consideration. The site is costing us a fortune, although we've been incredibly lucky with the donations people have kindly given us and some advertising revenue, which has certainly kept the site open! But we need a regular income for the site to be given a secure future, so anyway that we can do that (with the least amount of effect on bands and users) is what we are trying to achieve. Please do discuss the matter with one another, and if you have ideas let us know - you are all part of this community and it's important that you give us your opinions. :)
Something I thought of yesterday, what about hitting up some of the bands to donate a signed cd or something, then putting that up for auction (either here, or on ebay or something)? If the band didn't want to donate the cd, pay them for it and just get them to sign it, then start the bidding at the cost of the cd, so you don't lose the money??
I think that it would be kind of shitty to start charging the bands after they've already come here for free. bands dont have a lot of money anway. especially ones that came from ezboard or something, they came here cuz they got more for the same price (free). i dont know what the solution to your problem is though. the auction idea is good. i think you should put a hold on any new forums until this gets figured out.
Thanks for your points guys. :) Opening new forums isn't too much of a hassle - it is the large forums that are causing the bandwidth problems, so taking in small rarely used ones is not going to hurt. Obviously we will need to consider very carefully taking in any new large forums though.

Thank God I start a new job in July! :lol: