PLUGIN NOT LOADED - the 3 worst words in the English language

Ben Johnson

Jan 17, 2006
DFHS+lots of plugins=:bah:

I'm using a "borrowed" copy of Nuendo, by the way, but rest assured that I'm probably going to buy Cubase SX very soon. Will the freeze feature stop the plugin annoyances and random program exits - not crashes; Nuendo says 'no more' and decides to excuse itself from my use, without even so much as the courtesy of an error message. Also, will the fact that Cubase will be a licensed copy, and not "borrowed", allow for more trouble free music-ing? Programs that have been cracked/hacked/shellaced are quite unstable, as I understand it...
Your computer specs also play a major part, DKFHS is a system hog.
Cubase won't be more stable than Nuendo, cracked or original.
I had problems like you with licensed programs, but it was because of my computer specs, made a few changes and now it's pretty stable.
I'm running a 2x2ghz opteron, 2gb ram, SATA raid-0 HDD setup, and Nuendo still does this to me. Many people I know that actually own Nuendo/Cubase, still use the hacked version, as it can be more stable.
cobhc said:
SATA raid-0 HDD setup

does raid-0 really help for audio applications? I have had that for like two years till two weeks ago and haven't noticed any difference. I guess it is mainly useful if you do video.