Plz rate my mix!

hey dude,

I've listened to your solo. Here are my thoughts. I think your guitar is not in tune or the Intonation is not set properly, so check on that. I noticed an annoying fizz on the solo Sound, maybe put a low pass filter in your eq and filter those harsh frequencies, or put a bell curve with a higher Q and filter the annoying frequency. Also the solo Sound lacks some mids, but that is just for my taste :heh: The drums are a bit weak, maybe try some parallel compression and fatten up the kick with EQ and subharmonic frequency Generator. Also try to humanize more if you programed the drums, it sounds more like a drum machine the way you have it right now.

Best regards,
Thanks a lot on the feedback Torridmetal! Yeah drums mixing is something I havent quite got a hang of yet.. And about the tone.. Will surely work on it to get a better output next tym! Thanks!