POD HD500 Metal Demos - Alter Bridge - 'Metalingus' and 'Find The Real'


New Metal Member
Jul 31, 2009
I have made some metal samples from POD HD500. I have heard a lot of unprocessed raw metal demos but very few fully produced ones. Here I am trying to show how it sounds with post production.

I really like the Alter Bridge Mesa tones and have been trying to get similar tones for quite some time. More demos coming soon.

Version Used: 1.22

Alter Bridge - Metalingus

Alter Bridge - Find The Real
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Thanks a lot. I will try that. The famous 'POD tone' is not that pronounced in HD.
That sounds really huge and rich, man. I think I should try a POD HD soon after listening to your clips.
Thanks man
I've used stock cabs in here. Making some more clips with Mesa IRs..coming up really good :D
that's actually quite an improvement on the old models. i'm somewhat impressed. the low end could do with some work, but other than that, pretty good.

it's such a shame, i'm not far from getting my first real amp..! looks like i wont be trying these out for a while!

Just got my podhd500 to use mainly more for fx but I was playing around with it going di with the xlr outs and it sounds like the cabs are off, am i doing something wrong?

clips sound great BTW!
As far as I know the pod models have been updated with version 1.20 to sound better.
Just got my podhd500 to use mainly more for fx but I was playing around with it going di with the xlr outs and it sounds like the cabs are off, am i doing something wrong?

clips sound great BTW!

You should set the output more to Studio Direct. Maybe it will changed that.

and Thanks :)
Very nice sound !
Very dynamic, alive.
A little work on lows (like Dani said) and you are set ;)

And yes, it was about time Line6 got the word "dynamic".
I didn't bought any Line6 product for this reason : busy high end, no dynamic, no "crunch"...only cold goth metal sound.
You needed a lot of EQ to remove this feeling, and once done...nothing was left, dynamic wise.

But now, with the HD, it sounds REALLY nice.

I still love my Tonelab LE (when i don't use the crappy built-in cab sim ;) ) because it got that compressed power amp feeling i don't get on any other sim (apart may be Axe-FX...but this is not the same price).
If i had to choose now, it would be a very difficult choice between VOX and POD HD, but it was not for me before the HD serie ;)

PS : about desktop/HD500, sound wise they got the same engine.Only different design and options ;)