PODFARM 2.5 FIX FOR OSX USERS (downgrade to 2.02)


Jan 10, 2005
Ok, I have been waiting for an answer from Line6 about getting PODfarm 2.02 working again - with no luck for over a week now. 2.5 is fucked up, and fucks 2.02 up so that you cannot downgrade and Line6 apparently has no idea where the other files it installs are located. Well, finally, someone figured out the way to go back to 2.02 on OSX! Here is the procedure:

Delete Line6 files or folders in:

Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers
Library/Frameworks (should be two folders, L6WXTG and L6WXTY.framework)
Library/Application Support/Line 6
Library/Application Support/Digidesign/Plug-Ins
User/Library/Application Support/Line 6
Applications/Line 6
User/Documents/Line 6
User/Library/Preferences (Line6 preferences, should be something like com.line6.xxxxx, etc.)

Then, open up Terminal (Applications/Utilities) and enter these one line at a time, pressing Enter after each one:

cd // (enter)
cd/private/var/db/receipts (enter)
sudo rm -i com.line6* (enter)

You may have to enter your administrator password somewhere in there, I did. Then you type "yes" and press enter for each file that comes up (it will be quite a few), this is saying yes to delete that file. After that is done, restart your computer, go to the Line6 site and download the 2.02 installer. Install 2.02 and enjoy! Should work for anyone on OSX.

I just want to say that it's really sad that some regular user knew where to look for the files that 2.5 installs that fucks 2.02 up, instead of the software engineers at Line6. But I am totally glad he did :)

Credit goes to user "popskull" on the Line6 forum.
I didn't bother upgrading to 2.5, as I heard the shitstorm before I did. But that is one hell of convoluted mess line6 has put everyone in. Thanks for sharing 006, I'm sure this is going to make a lot of people VERY happy.
Ok, I have been waiting for an answer from Line6 about getting PODfarm 2.02 working again - with no luck for over a week now. 2.5 is fucked up, and fucks 2.02 up so that you cannot downgrade and Line6 apparently has no idea where the other files it installs are located. Well, finally, someone figured out the way to go back to 2.02 on OSX! Here is the procedure:

Delete Line6 files or folders in:

Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers
Library/Frameworks (should be two folders, L6WXTG and L6WXTY.framework)
Library/Application Support/Line 6
Library/Application Support/Digidesign/Plug-Ins
User/Library/Application Support/Line 6
Applications/Line 6
User/Documents/Line 6
User/Library/Preferences (Line6 preferences, should be something like com.line6.xxxxx, etc.)

Then, open up Terminal (Applications/Utilities) and enter these one line at a time, pressing Enter after each one:

cd // (enter)
cd/private/var/db/receipts (enter)
sudo rm -i com.line6* (enter)

You may have to enter your administrator password somewhere in there, I did. Then you type "yes" and press enter for each file that comes up (it will be quite a few), this is saying yes to delete that file. After that is done, restart your computer, go to the Line6 site and download the 2.02 installer. Install 2.02 and enjoy! Should work for anyone on OSX.

I just want to say that it's really sad that some regular user knew where to look for the files that 2.5 installs that fucks 2.02 up, instead of the software engineers at Line6. But I am totally glad he did :)

Credit goes to user "popskull" on the Line6 forum.

Awesome news man
is 2.5 known to give problems with windows as well? I plan on purchasing very soon
Yes. 2.5 has given people issues on both Windows and OSX. Some people have been able to downgrade back to 2.02 though, luckily. You can probably buy 2.5 just don't install 2.5, install 2.02.
Oh great I just installed 2.5. It's already acting weird. Pulled up an older session with Pod Farm 1.something, and the pod farm 1 no longer worked, and pod farm 2 didn't work when i option dragged it to another track. What other problems is everyone having?
Basically installing 2.5 fucks up any previous version of PODfarm that you had on the computer, and just removing 2.5 doesn't fix it. You have to go through and delete ALL files associated with Line6 on the computer, then reinstall the last one that worked, for me it was 2.02. Some issues people are having is the plug-in has no GUI, it sounds like the cab simulation doesn't work at all, sound is clipping and the knobs do nothing, etc. Many problems.
Yeah I'm having issues all over the place. Old versions don't work, and the modeling won't work at all when I add an amp, then will seem to suddenly start working when I move the gain knob. Also set up two instances EXACTLY the same on different tracks. The DIs are the same level, but the two different versions of pod farm with exact same settings produce drastically different volumes. I've been using pod farm 1 for years, never had any of these issues.

Screw it I'm going back. So glad you made this thread! Thank you sir!
No prob, Line6 is working on a fix but until then it seems the best thing to do is stick with what works.