PODxt before impulsing, low volume levels.


Sep 12, 2006
Hey guys,

I'm having an issue with this impulsing dealio. Right now, when I record, I'm using a PODxt with the Big Bottom amp, and before I started using Boogex, I was just using the standard Cabs with the POD. Well, I would record, I would get a good input level, nice peaks and valleys. Now, when I record using "No Amp", at 100% volume, I get hardly any readings while recording, It will be loud because of the Boogex plug-in, but still, the signal coming in, sans impulse, is barely peaking at -18 to -16 dbs.

What gives?
Wait...you said "No Amp", but did you mean to put "No Cab"?

DarkProject, you're a genius. That's exactly what it was. Still not up to the level I need, but thank you very much!
YEa, I'm gonna have to figure something out. It's still too low, and moving the "Amp Bypass" isn't actually doing anything. I can turn up the output, but that makes it clip hard. I'll figure something out.