OK folks, firstly you'll be glad to know I still have long hair. Most think I have A LOT of talent. I've only had one gig so far, supporting KUNT AND THE GANG in Newcastle. Went down well. I have 50-60 poems so far, 27 on the DVD which also has an interview and out-takes. Poems are often screened on Richplanet Starship TV, on SKY201 and FREESAT 403.
Subject matter? Lavatoria, sexual matters, antisocial matters, a perpetual-motion disaster poem (poss the first of its kind?), people who freeload on strangers' funerals (seems every town has one!), beating up Liberal Democrats, serial killers, drugs, metrosexuals, the countryside and how crap it all is, and so on and on.
Sound interesting? Sample vids on http://www.youtube.com/my_videos?feature=mhee Bear in mind I took the quality right down, original DVD is SPARKLING! If that link fails, look for 'philartio' on youtube
Lyrics and more info at www.philaychio.co.cc Personally, I'd do it even just to see the lyrics of 'Harry Hewitt'!!
Order this expensive thing through www.poetinthepub.com Absolutely NO guarantee it'll get you laid though.
See / hear me bear my open and expansive soul at : http://blip.tv/richplanetnet/the-richplanet-starship-poet-in-the-pub-interview-5477151
The Devil creates work for unemployed Copywriters.
Subject matter? Lavatoria, sexual matters, antisocial matters, a perpetual-motion disaster poem (poss the first of its kind?), people who freeload on strangers' funerals (seems every town has one!), beating up Liberal Democrats, serial killers, drugs, metrosexuals, the countryside and how crap it all is, and so on and on.
Sound interesting? Sample vids on http://www.youtube.com/my_videos?feature=mhee Bear in mind I took the quality right down, original DVD is SPARKLING! If that link fails, look for 'philartio' on youtube
Lyrics and more info at www.philaychio.co.cc Personally, I'd do it even just to see the lyrics of 'Harry Hewitt'!!
Order this expensive thing through www.poetinthepub.com Absolutely NO guarantee it'll get you laid though.
See / hear me bear my open and expansive soul at : http://blip.tv/richplanetnet/the-richplanet-starship-poet-in-the-pub-interview-5477151
The Devil creates work for unemployed Copywriters.