


Ok guys,
now I wanna speak about poetry and to give you one of the best lines...
Apart of Anathema's poetry (which is subject of another threat) you can give your favorite poetry lines here too.
And since I'm now on the fantasy-related military mood (reading "Rage Of A Demon King" by Raymond E. Feist) will give you this:

...And the battle did rage and shudder and shake
With the man-tearing spears they held in their hands.
Their eyes they were blind in the blood-dazzled brightness
That glittered on helms and bright-burnished swordblades
And shone forth from shields as man come together
And died in the trampling press.

As when in the mountains the winds wail and bluster
And snow lies deep-set on the fast frozen ground,
When snow flies in clouds, in constant confusion,
Like this was the battle, so bitter and furious,
As man sought to slaughter and vanquish to each other
Or die on the blood-sodden ground.
Adam Nichols
Originally posted by Forlorn Hope
You always with your poetry :mad:
I can not understand your hostility, man... don't you like the beauty of the words?
I think that there's magic in it! To put the right emotion, it's like painting a beautiful picture, or creating a song...It is just art!
Just read the damn thing!

Originally posted by Ivo
I can not understand your hostility, man... don't you like the beauty of the words?
I think that there's magic in it! To put the right emotion, it's like painting a beautiful picture, or creating a song...It is just art!
Just read the damn thing!


Remember not to take me too serious, I AM serious though when I say that you're damn obsessed by that poetry/lyrics stuff...
william blake is excellent. but here is one short, cute poem i know by heart...

The Clouds Pass

The clouds pass in a blue sky
Too white to be true
Before winter sets in
The trees are spending all their money

I lie in gold
Above a green valley
God falls on my chest
I am a rich man.