POLL POSTS: The "Sup Sluts" of the New Millennium? by alex j. xfer

Poll posts = sup sluts?

  • Yeah, all that shit is pretty equivalent.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, poll posts are clearly superior.

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • No, poll posts are clearly inferior.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Avi is probably creaming his jeans right now.

    Votes: 1 9.1%

    Votes: 6 54.5%

  • Total voters


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
I shall make the argument that No, a poll post bears little relationship to the aforementioned "Sup Sluts" trend pioneered by the Swedish metaphysicist Daniel Zander and supported by excellent lab work by Iowan babyspapa Jake Deadair.

A "poll post", defined as a post created with an accompanying survey, can be the source of endless hours of entertaiment. Due to the variety of the English language, the variety of poll options is effectively unlimited. Josh VangelicSurgeon's mastery of Elvish, FrostGiant's fluency in Klingon, and Zander's fluency in the nigh-incomprehensible Swedish language suggest that even if English poll choices were exhausted, there would remain plenty of clever and interesting poll possibilites to explore.

A "sup sluts" post, defined as a post containing nothing of substance other than the words SUP SLUTS, is just, like, totally gay.
Originally posted by deadair
hey... lets get this straight.

I and I ALONE started SUP SLUTS... thank you.

(giving credit to the swede... psshhh, come on)

has anyone not seen MR DEATH?

must historical fact constantly erode, digest, and rebloom, as weeds, at the hands of an incompetent gardener?

lest we not forget the individual known as FORBES, and his cultivation of the "SS" trend du jour.

VERILY, the root "SUP" can be traced back even further, perhaps even to an abnormally quiet member of this very board community...
The best part of MR DEATH is when he's tut-tutting the Nazis for their gas chambers and says something like, "They should have hired me. I would've done a much better job." Totally seriously.

But look, Goatschool, if you're going to bring up the Hoaxacaust, then maybe you...or do you mean robina...?...don't deserve the credit!
By the way, Robina, Forbes, Goatschool, whoever was a sup-slut pioneer, you should assault Jake and Zander and cut off their ears for driving a perfectly hilarious trend into the ground. :)
Originally posted by xfer
But look, Goatschool, if you're going to bring up the Hoaxacaust, then maybe you...or do you mean robina...?...don't deserve the credit!

okay. i'm still trying to decipher this. i'm sorry. i process thoughts in a very linear fashion.

where/how does Robina come into this?

also, i used "verily" back there. i am feeling very silver age marvel today.