Pop Metal mix I'm working on..

Everything sounds good in my opinion, nice loud mix!

Guitars are perhaps a bit too loud?
That's all i can think of really, cool stuff.
Sounds pretty good to me! There's something I can't quite put my finger on about the guitars. What's the panning? And maybe the vocals during the chorus could come down just a little bit. But that's all probably just subjective taste. Sounds really good, and I like this kind of stuff.
awesome mix man, real drums and real amps or all software? vocals sound a tiny bit loud but thats it, good work
i think you should bring down vocals and guitars (but specially vocals)

please tell us about your settings!!
I like the lead tone on the solo! The cymbals sound pretty dark to me. Are you low passing them or something? I think if the cymbals got brighter, the whole mix would sound better. Good work though...I haven't listened to everything you've ever done, but you've shown definite improvement over time!
Sounds pretty good to me! There's something I can't quite put my finger on about the guitars. What's the panning? And maybe the vocals during the chorus could come down just a little bit. But that's all probably just subjective taste. Sounds really good, and I like this kind of stuff.

The guitars are panned 100% left and right and the other two 80% left and right so there are 4 tracks total.
I like the lead tone on the solo! The cymbals sound pretty dark to me. Are you low passing them or something? I think if the cymbals got brighter, the whole mix would sound better. Good work though...I haven't listened to everything you've ever done, but you've shown definite improvement over time!

Yea I have some new monitors and I'm still trying to adjust and I'm so used to making things way to bright on my old monitors. Man, Its always so rewarding to hear from someone that you admire tell you your getting better. I still think your work is the shit Aaron!

Also thanks everyone else for listening and giving me your tips on things to change, I really appreciate that.:worship:
sounds great! great mix imo. the only comment parallels the one above, kick is a little too clicky for my taste. i'd like to hear a little more balls in that department.
Yea maybe i will mess with some different kick samples and try and get something working better.

I'm definitely gonna bring the chorus vox down, brighten up the cymbals and possibly pull the guitar tracks down a db or two. I may try and brighten up the screams but I'm using a desser and if i boost to much highs i may bring back to much sibilance. Defiantly will give that a try though.

Great pointers so far everyone and please let me know if you hear anything else.....