Poprock tracked live with lots of roommics, Semi finished!


Jul 13, 2005
I allready posted some tracks of this.. but the guys i did this for finally needed some songs with vocals, so we suplied 3 songs with vocals! :)

Chain for this was SM7b > Golden Age Pre73 > DAOC Custom Opto Tube Compressor.

Can't say i like the Sm7 for his voice though.. or i just mixed it wrong ;)
Thats what i realy don't like yet.. everything seems way to wet on effects, and most pop has the voice way more upfront.


Any pointers on this kind of production tracking and mixing/mastering wise would be cool!

I'm only listening on headphones, so take this with a grain of salt....

the mix sounds really good to me, but you're right, the vox should be more upfront, not only volume wise, I'd also try making them a bit more interesting with different compression settings.
Guitars are a bit harsh for my taste, but that's only personal preference....up the bassguitar a bit to make it a bit fatter overall, bass seems to be played alright, so make it louder I'd say.

but as I said, I'm only listening on headphones (not even the best ones), so I could be totally wrong
Thanks man,

What would you suggest compression (useall settings?) wise?
Or do you mean different compression for different parts of the song?

Fucked around with the guitars alot, but his amp just has this kinda character i can't realy get out.. and then imagin its even miced with a ribbon haha (all i used in the mix).
And guess your right about Bass, i'll give it a wirl.

And i'm allready really glad it sounds somewhat decent on semi ok headphones, i'd be more fucked if it sounded ok on good monitors and sucked on those headphones!
I really have no general go-to settings for leavox, sometimes I'll compress 10:1 with a 0.3 ms attack, sometimes 2:1 with 20ms attack, really depends on the song and singer.
Allright, seems logical.

Just got of the phone with one of the guys of the band.
They used these 3 finished songs to show a big producer/talentscout in the dutch musicscene (dude produced about 30 songs which were all in the top 10 hitcharts in holland..Di-rect/anouk/vanvelzen) what they were up too.
And from what he told me the dude was in love with how everything sounded :) He loved the mix.. awesome compliment!!
I would say the biggest issue is the sound of the guitars. They sound really mid-y, like they've got too much in the 1-4k area. Also the vocals could come up alitte. The vocals sound fine to me otherwise.
Great mix, I actually like where the vocals are sitting. Be careful when trying to tame the guitars, though, they have a really nice sparkle to them that helps compete with the keys. The bass can use a bit of a compression boost, and the kick sounds like it has a loose head, so maybe tighten it up a bit, but it does have a nice room feel so again small changes.
I like this, vocals do sound only a bit... cheap maybe? can't really put it in words, I'm really stupid for speaking out issues with vocals, but I'm not saying it's bad, just probably could be better. Bass is fine to my ears, but yeah maybe a bit more compression (and a small boost) could make it sit better in the mix