Porno Metal

Gut for sure.

They've always been called the "Godfathers of Porngrind" and IMO are one of the only bands I've heard that can perfectly embody the kind of dirty, perverted, sleazy sound they had.

Notable mention to Creamface - they do a pretty good job at getting the porngrind sound and chuck in a few grooves as well......but they're probably the most genuine porn band as some of the members are actually porn stars, or ex-porn stars.
The Grim Rhino said:
Name one way CABT is not a joke.

The fact that they aren't. Their new album almost completely ditched the porn aspect of their music.

ShadowOfDeath said:
I have found both bands i mentioned to be very boring. Perhaps pornogrind isn't my type of thing. I'm into goregrind but i haven't heard a pornogrind band that sounds as good as lyphatic phlegm, or Cattle Decapitation.

Lymphatic Phlegm kicks major ass.
How can you compare something as awesome as Lymphatic Phlegm with something as incredibly shit as Cattle Decapitation? They're not grind of any description, they're just boring, wanky, trendy crap :puke: If you think they're goregrind, you're very mistaken. Check out Neuro-Visceral Exhumation, Last Days of Humanity, Squash Bowels and Dead Infection for some proper goregrind.

Also, if you like Lymphatic Phlegm, you can't go past Catasexual Urge Motivation. Check them out immediately!