Portal - the first time DM has been scary since the early 90's

Outre is one of the most fucked up albums I've ever heard. I love the Lovecraftian themes!
pretty cool stuff, there is something a bit comical about it though as is most DM ...

i'll give them an A for atmosphere and originality ... and oompa loompa gathering skills.
but otherwise the music can get old fast

pretty cool stuff, there is something a bit comical about it though as is most DM ...

i'll give them an A for atmosphere and originality ... and oompa loompa gathering skills.
but otherwise the music can get old fast


I disagree... strongly...

Aesthetics and image are all well and good, but are only valid if used as reflections of the musician mindset. What Portal do is more than just write riffs - they attempt to evoke the abyss. This is music you can close your eyes to and imagine vast asylums of olde... or whatever dark recesses exist in your subconscious. It's honest-to-God Nightmare Metal. You can trivialize it if you wish, but there's a depth that exists to be explored.
I am not trying to discredit them as there is definetely something dark there ... i'm just always a bit skeptical with this kind of stuff since that BM band, what's their name ... the one that turned out to be a hoax.
Velvet Cacoon? Don't waste your breath putting the two in the same sentence. Portal are gen-u-ine. Seeing them get heckled live confirmed that for me. Also, listening to them in the appropriate mindset can evoke all sorts of nasty thoughts. Try it some time.