Portland Report?

was a good show, i was a bit drunk during it though...

i love the venue, it has a balcony which is where the bar is and you can just sit and watch the show

we didn't watch much of yazooka (zuka?), at the tittie bar instead, got there towards the end of their set, wasn't bad though.

Lacuna Coil kicked fucking ass. i was very impressed, the crowd was really excited as well. I think their best song was tightrope.

Opeth was awesome as well, although it was at the peak of my drunkedness. I enjoyed advent and a fair judgement.

it was both of the bands first time to portland i believe, and opeth said they would come back i think (mikael's voice is so low, had a hard time understanding what he was saying when he was talking to the crowd). but it did sound like they'd be coming back for a damnation tour.
the first band yakuza was...ok I guess...certainly different

lacuna coil was great...crowd was really into it...christina really got into her headbanging hair twirling

opeth of course were outstanding...the crowd was pretty crazy at times

the set list was great...especially the encore of demon of the fall

only thing I noticed was there were like 4 or 5 neo nazi folks yelling white power and throwing the sieg heil motion throughout the show...me and my friends were hoping the gigantic black guy in front of em was going to turn around and kick their ass but oh well

luckily the roseland is a good venue...the sound was right on and everyone had plenty of space
Nugent Goes AOL said:
Can you provide a more specific setlist? Anything from Damnation?
Here's my report:

Well...I can now die a happy man. That show was fucking amazing!

The first band to open with 3 or 4 songs was this band called Yakuza from Chicago, not bad, not very melodic, and it was kind of hard to get a good impression of the music being that it was so loud it was almost just a wall of noise. I felt kind of bad for them as the full crowd wasn't close to arriving, and some asses I guess were heckling them. I don't think they got the best impression during their first time to Portland...but ah well, no one was there to see them anyway.

Next up, Lacuna Coil! Ya know...I'd only ever heard one song by them, I liked it, and I liked reviews and descriptions of their music, but wow, I had no idea. These guys totally rocked the place! It was obviously that quite a few people in the audience were there for Lacuna Coil. They got an awesome reception and it was great to see Portland going nuts for this band. The only problem here was their set was WAY too short. I think they only got to play 4 songs, which is too bad, especially for some people in the audience 'cause obviously this is the first time they'd seen Lacuna Coil live and probably won't get the opportunity to do so again for awhile.

Now...on to the reason that everyone was there...Opeth!!! It took about twenty minutes to clear the stage and get it ready for them, the crowd was getting a bit restless, ocassionally chanting, "Opeth, Opeth, Opeth." Then, finally, they came...the audience went crazy (myself included). I can't remember the exact setlist, or the specific names of the songs (despite the fact that I love Opeth and own every album, I only know the actual names to about 3 songs). However, their second song they announced they were gonna play something for the 'old school' Opeth fans, at this, my best friend and I went crazy...(old school Opeth is the best!). And they played Advent from Morningrise and totally rocked it! They also played Credence and Demon of the Fall from the My Arms, Your Hearse album, which also kicked ass. Godhead's Lament from 'Still Life' as well as Deliverance and ended it with A Fair Judgement, both off of 'Deliverance'. Wow, maybe I know more songs than I thought. The crowd went nuts after the last song and got Opeth to come out for an encore. I forget what song exactly the played for the encore tune. But Mikael looked genuinely touched by the energy, appreciation, and love for the band being given by the audience, as well as the other members. I don't think they'll forget Portland, and one of the highlights of the night is that Mikael announced that they'd again be touring soon for the 'Damnation' album, and that they'd be bringing Porcupine Tree with them...Hell yeah!

So, that's pretty much it...an amazing fucking night!
rhdrums said:
me and my friends were hoping the gigantic black guy in front of em was going to turn around and kick their ass

You mean the guy that was standing near the middle pretty cloes to the front? About a head taller than everyone else in the room? My friend was glad he was there, he didn't feel like the most out of place person as he was not wearing any black...but then there was that guy who was huge and wearing, it was either a white or pale pink collered shirt...he definately stood out, but he was rockin' out just like everyone else.

I must have been too far on the other side, I was against the front wall, stage left, that I didnt' hear any of the Nazi comments, but yeah...that guy should have kicked their asses.
frog said:
oh yeah, the dumbfucks wouldn't let me in with my camera
That sucks. I had debated whether or not to bring my camera, guess it was a good thing I decided not to. Though I did have to sacrifice my pocket knife on my key ring to the Opeth gods...but it was worth it.
What a sweet show. Lacunia Coil was pretty fun to watch. That was the first time I had heard any of their music. The crowd seemed into them as well.

Opeth was everything I wanted. Their performance was exelent. The sound was good but not what it should have been. To me it sounded like their was an echo effect on his voice most of the time, which took away from the beauty. Their band dynamics were great though. The bass drums did not have any depth to them. They got washed out with the low Opeth sound. Sure I could feel the vibrations and see Lopez playing fast as shit, but that could be improved.

I think the song list went like this:

The Lepar Affinity
The Drapery Falls
Godhead's Lament
A Fair Judgement
Demon of the Fall

I liked towards the end Mikael said something about if he were to go see Opeth he would sit down too. (refering the the people sitting down in the balcony) That one Nazi guy looked so drunk and he fell down every two or three seconds in the pit. He is gonig to feel like shit today.
I was really bored for Yakuza and Lacuna coil But Opeth were amazing.

That big black guy was right behind me most of the show. I tried the block out the fact that I could feel his belt or something on my back. He was about 6'7 I think.

My brother could not get his camera in then after the show one of the gaurds told me that was bullshit and they are allowed.

MORE: Did anyone see the fight that got the cops going crazy and running around? What went down.
frog said:
was a good show, i was a bit drunk during it though...

i love the venue, it has a balcony which is where the bar is and you can just sit and watch the show

we didn't watch much of yazooka (zuka?), at the tittie bar instead, got there towards the end of their set, wasn't bad though.

Lacuna Coil kicked fucking ass. i was very impressed, the crowd was really excited as well. I think their best song was tightrope.

Opeth was awesome as well, although it was at the peak of my drunkedness. I enjoyed advent and a fair judgement.

it was both of the bands first time to portland i believe, and opeth said they would come back i think (mikael's voice is so low, had a hard time understanding what he was saying when he was talking to the crowd). but it did sound like they'd be coming back for a damnation tour.
Yakuza sucked ass! Lacuna Coil was VERY good. Opeth were comperable to seeing the face of god! Mikael said they would be back for the Damnation tour! there ya go, Mr. Niel!
Looks like all you had fun :) So what time did Lacuna Coil start playing? I read in some thread that Opeth was playing for only 30 minutes :ill: But from the setlist I'm reading here sounds more like an hour or so. So whats the deal :Smug:
Nah Opeth is only playing for 30 minutes on the two dates of the Blackest of the Black tour with Danzig, but for the shows that are part of the Fair Judgement tour they play for around a hour and a half or so.
ucsbdude said:
Looks like all you had fun :) So what time did Lacuna Coil start playing? I read in some thread that Opeth was playing for only 30 minutes :ill: But from the setlist I'm reading here sounds more like an hour or so. So whats the deal :Smug:

this was the set schedule, sounded like it was the same as seattle

yazuka 8-8:45
lacuna coil 9-9:45
Opeth 10:15-11:50
I got to go to my first opeth concert last night against all odds and I was glad I finally made it.

It was just damn good and I had a great view. I will see them again on their next tour. At the end of their "last" song, they came back out again and played demon of the fall (like they have during the last concerts).

Lacuna coil was great as well, they played 6 songs I think. I was really impressed by them and they totally rocked.

Opeth said they were glad they had a fan base in portland and will visit us again this summer when they tour with porcupine tree.

The intro band Yakuza was hard to listen to. The soundboard or something just sounded really scratchy.
kaine333 said:
Yakuza sucked ass! Lacuna Coil was VERY good. Opeth were comperable to seeing the face of god! Mikael said they would be back for the Damnation tour! there ya go, Mr. Niel!

You nailed it kaine! The face of God is right!

Did anyone hang out after the show and meet Mikael? (After they arrested the sub-human that got in the fight that is)! I stayed with my brother and met him! I was so freaked out about meeting the genius himself I forgot everything I wanted to say to him..except..can I get your autograph? AND..can I get my picture with you? He was so completely gracious and nice! What a cool guy! The show was the best one I've ever been to! They were so tight and sounded so good! DID THEY NAIL BLEAK OR WHAT????!!!! That was the highlight of the show for me! That is such a good song! Advent was great too! Oh hell THE ENTIRE THING LEFT ME SPINNING!!!!! I can die a happy woman now:D
Damn. Tuesday I drove 2.5 hours to San Fran to see Meshuggah, stayed the night at a friends house, then me and my friend drove up to portland for this. Was worth every mile.
They used the same setlist as the US tour before (err, at least I think it was, Im confused now). Hopefully they'll tour again soon for Damnation.