Portnoy playing for Fates Warning in Holland

BABS said:

Hi Babs :)

Couple of things... at Blabbermouth it statest that there is no official confirmation regarind Nick from Spock's Beard sitting in on the Euro Tour. That has officially been confirmed both through Jim and Ray (please check out the new fateswarning.com site for more info). Mike Portnoy will only be playing for the Headway Festival unless things drastically change in the very near future ;)

The guys have not yet begun discussions/plans for a US tour... that will begin in April. Jim will be concentrating on getting the tour plans underway and will also begin planning OSI2 :headbang: I'll do my best to get information out as soon as we get official confirmation from the guys.

In case you're wondering how I know? I've been given the honor of co-webmaster for the revised site (along with Dennis from Symphorce). Please check out both the site and the new forum (forum not yet moved over to "official" status, this will be coming within a few weeks). Point of View - Fates Warning Forum
Thanks for the heads up Colleen! I'm so glad that we've got someone on the PP forum that has direct contact with the Fates camp.

I just want these guys to tour the US as a headliner. I've never seen them play live and it's killing me.
Don't get me wrong. Nick D'Virgilio is a great drummer.........for Spock's Beard. I caught Fates with him on the tour with Queensryche, and I have to say that he butchered those tunes. Mark Zonder has a very unique style that truly enhanced the sound of that band, and very few drummers can match him. Portnoy knows how Fates should sound, so I could see him doing an awesome job. It's a shame that he's only doing one gig.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Silent Song said:
i have to say your fates' forum and site are a lot better than the current "official" one

Thanks! :) Just revamped the Point of View forum (not so many boards now, easier to navigate). We'll be moving it to "official status in a week or so". As for fateswarning.com.... It's been given official status as far as the band is concerned. Now we just need to start having the updates made on other pages. I'm still in shock, tbh... never dreamed I'd be helping my favorite band in this way.

Oh... we should be getting an exclusive interview with Mark posted up very, very soon :) Check back, and I'll post it here as well.

Spread the love... ;)
SonicBrew said:
As far as I know has Fates warning just cancelled their whole European
tour........ :ill: :cry:
And that is not for the first time! :confused:
But i was lucky to see them twice so far at their Pleasant Shade-tour,
once with Omen as supporting band!! :headbang:

Ummm... where did you read/hear about this? :confused: Spent some time with Ray last weekend and he didn't mention anything about this to me. Now, the video shoot for Simple Human got pushed back to this Sunday, but as of today... the Euro-tour is still on. They are headlining Headway and dates are listed on the Tour page.

Per Jim, Headway and the other 5 shows listed will be the only European shows this year. In April he will be concentrating on OSI 2 and hopefully getting plans going for a US tour.

Please post up some links so we can rectify any false information :)
