Canadian Solo artist/composer Christopher recently addressed rumours that he
is the new singer of Poisonblack. Below is his statement regarding the
Hi All,
I've been getting a sizeable amount of e-mails from various strangers,
friends, and colleagues regarding the rumour that I am the new singer of
Poisonblack. Today I can address this rumour once and for all.
I WAS to be the new singer of Poisonblack. I had my passport ready, vodka in
hand, and ready to fly to Finland to lay the vocal tracks down on the next
Poisonblack album and possibly trade anti-depressants with Timo Tolkki.
Ville Laihiala and I have been communicating for 3 or so months trying to
get me over to Finland to record and hash out the logistics of this possible
long-distance relationship.
Here is the demo I recorded that initially solidified my position as the
singer of Poisonblack. Forgive the demo/performance quality, but I think it
gets the point across. <>
This morning I was notified by Ville (VILLEVIL as he as he affectionately
signs his email) that he has `decided to sing myself because the way the
music is going I think my voice would be the best choice.' So Ville will be
singing on the next Poisonblack album. Being that I am a fan of Sentenced as
well, I can't argue that Ville has a great voice and will most likely do his
own songs justice.
Needless to say I am disappointed that I will not be participating with this
band since I enjoy this style of music. At the same time I am a bit relieved
that the whole process of `becoming the singer' is over because of how
little was communicated to me about the project:
One minute, there's an impromptu press release on February 15th that they
`recruited an as-yet-undisclosed Canadian singer.' Being that I was the only
one who sent in a demo that suffers from this affliction, the statement
referred to me.
The next minute, Century Media supposedly won't allow demos of the new songs
to be sent to me so I can learn them. I heard they (Century) were cheap, but
not to the extent that they expected me to invest in a psychic. In the same
breath there are/were festival shows supposedly booked for Poisonblack in
the summer.
I should have clued in that something was terribly wrong when I received an
email from Villevil with the subject line reading: Boys on Black.
It was all very...interesting to say the least and you can read about the
whole experience here
So now you know one of the reasons why my follow-up album to `wer Next
Projekt' has been delayed for a while. I felt it was respectful and proper
to keep quiet until I either had a contract in hand or if Ville decided to
publicly announce it at his leisure. Now that this has finally come to an
end, I can continue recording my follow-up album due out this year and I
wish Ville the best with this new album and will most likely throw down my
15 bucks for it when it comes out...Unless it sucks.
is the new singer of Poisonblack. Below is his statement regarding the
Hi All,
I've been getting a sizeable amount of e-mails from various strangers,
friends, and colleagues regarding the rumour that I am the new singer of
Poisonblack. Today I can address this rumour once and for all.
I WAS to be the new singer of Poisonblack. I had my passport ready, vodka in
hand, and ready to fly to Finland to lay the vocal tracks down on the next
Poisonblack album and possibly trade anti-depressants with Timo Tolkki.
Ville Laihiala and I have been communicating for 3 or so months trying to
get me over to Finland to record and hash out the logistics of this possible
long-distance relationship.
Here is the demo I recorded that initially solidified my position as the
singer of Poisonblack. Forgive the demo/performance quality, but I think it
gets the point across. <>
This morning I was notified by Ville (VILLEVIL as he as he affectionately
signs his email) that he has `decided to sing myself because the way the
music is going I think my voice would be the best choice.' So Ville will be
singing on the next Poisonblack album. Being that I am a fan of Sentenced as
well, I can't argue that Ville has a great voice and will most likely do his
own songs justice.
Needless to say I am disappointed that I will not be participating with this
band since I enjoy this style of music. At the same time I am a bit relieved
that the whole process of `becoming the singer' is over because of how
little was communicated to me about the project:
One minute, there's an impromptu press release on February 15th that they
`recruited an as-yet-undisclosed Canadian singer.' Being that I was the only
one who sent in a demo that suffers from this affliction, the statement
referred to me.
The next minute, Century Media supposedly won't allow demos of the new songs
to be sent to me so I can learn them. I heard they (Century) were cheap, but
not to the extent that they expected me to invest in a psychic. In the same
breath there are/were festival shows supposedly booked for Poisonblack in
the summer.
I should have clued in that something was terribly wrong when I received an
email from Villevil with the subject line reading: Boys on Black.
It was all very...interesting to say the least and you can read about the
whole experience here
So now you know one of the reasons why my follow-up album to `wer Next
Projekt' has been delayed for a while. I felt it was respectful and proper
to keep quiet until I either had a contract in hand or if Ville decided to
publicly announce it at his leisure. Now that this has finally come to an
end, I can continue recording my follow-up album due out this year and I
wish Ville the best with this new album and will most likely throw down my
15 bucks for it when it comes out...Unless it sucks.
