Possible New Features

Which new feature would you like to see get done first?

  • Top 10 Lists

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Similar Bands

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Credits Page

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • FreeDB Sync

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Delete

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Duplicate Checking

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Tyrant in Distress
Hey guys, please vote on which new feature you'd like to see implemented first. If you have an idea for one not listed, list it as well.

Here's more detail about what the choices mean:

Top 10 Lists - You will be able to pick your top 10 albums for each year. Basically, you'll pick a year, and then you'll get a listing of all the albums that year and you'll pick the ones you want in your list and what order you want them. You will also be able to do top 10 bassists, guitarists, singers, drummers, and keyboardists if you want. There would be a link on the site where people could view everyone's lists.

Similar Bands - (Suggested by Trapped)...when you submit a band, you'll be able to pick bands that are similar from a list (similar to picking genre(s) and label(s) on albums right now).

Credits Page - a page on the front end that lists the information you submit in your "Edit User Info" page (you would be able to pick which pieces of information to show, so if you don't want your email or real name public, you wouldn't have to).

FreeDB Sync - FreeDB is an alternative to the CDDB. It doesn't have as many albums, but I can get track lengths from it on top of the other information. Basically, we'd have both. You could do a FreeDB Sync and get whatever it has...then, if it was missing some albums, do a CDDB Sync to get the rest.

Delete - the ability to delete stuff you added, if you made an erronious entry.

Duplicate Checking - when you submit a new band, album, musician, etc, it would check the database for something with the same name. If it found it, you'd get a page with the information about the duplicate it found and you'd be able to choose whether to create a new one at that point ('cause there could be 2 people, bands, etc with the same name).

Those are the ideas I've had or been suggested. Whichever is voted highest will be done first.
Of these I would go with the delete. But what I would really want is a possibility to add ALL the songs on a cd at the same time. When some cd can't be found from cddb (demos, promos, rarities and stuff) it's really annoying to start adding the songs one by one (yours truly here added 30 song Fantomas-album...). If there would be just one window, to where you can type/paste the song names, it would be great. Loading the pop-up for every song takes up time, trouble and bandwith.
hrm...that's a good point. I should do the same for adding musicians, too. Let me ponder on the best way to do that so it's easy to use but doesn't require too much reprogramming.

Something else I thought of, should I make the drop-down boxes longer (like right now 5 genres show up and you scroll for more, I could change it to 10 or 15 or whatever so there is less scrolling, but it'll make the page longer overall)? I'd like to do it, so unless people say not to, I'll plan on it.

Are there any other parts that are inconvenient? I can't make it so everything is editable on one page, but there might be some things I can streamline.
Oh, and another thing I think would be useful is having links to previous bands that are basically the same band, like Nevermore would link to Sanctuary and vice-versa, Lefay to Morgana Lefay, you get the idea. It wouldn't be the same as "Similar" bands 'cause they're basically the same band, just a new name.
Sorry I haven't gotten to that yet, VoG...I was really busy with work, then I was out of town. I will first implement it so that instead of a new window, it'll load into a frame in the page. It should speed it up a bit, but it'll still require you to load a page for each track. This is done because the tracks are stored separately in the database and must be saved before they are attached to an album entry. I'll still try to think of a more effecient method, but we'll see how that one works out first. I'll do the same thing for adding labels, musicians, and instruments.

Does anyone else have any feedback on these suggestions? There haven't been many replies.
As I now at last did something for the site again (been lazy/busy for a month), I agree that making the boxes bigger would be good. Especially the musician box on Edit Line-Up screen.

Also, if it's possible, it would be good to have more than one name on an artist (using maybe some sort of ID-number as key when making queries?? Too big change probably.). There are all these norwegian (ok, some other guys too :grin: ) guys who have different alias on different bands (like Hellhammer uses his real name on some albums) and it would be cool if you could see all the albums they've done just by clicking one of the names.
well, we definitely want the albums to link together, what I'd recommend doing is using the real name and putting the nickname in parentheses. So it would be First Name (Nickname) Last Name (i.e. Jon Axel (Hellhammer) von Blumberg, or whatever his name is). Just add the nickname part to the first name for proper alphabetizing. That way they can recognize people by both names. It would definitely be a lot of work to make it possible for 2 names for a person, because the database and code is all structured around using the names, plus it would be confusing for someone who knows the musician by one name to see a bunch of albums without that person's name in their discography (i.e. they click on Blumberg's name and his list of albums has a bunch of albums that only list Hellhammer. If they didn't know it was the same guy, they'd be confused).