Possible to get...

i THINK there is a direct line ot the band....its callled feedback...

onthe home page, ..I think goodluck

I SAW A PROGRAM TV, ABOUT these autogaph people, this guy makes $100,000US for the big names, and hangs out at the airports...
Well, the band quite often hangs around the venue/club before they are on(as far as my experience tells me) and get em then.
Or if they are not headlining, they might go clean up, walk around and see the show, and get em then
when i saw Nevermore with Cryptopsy and Opeth, before and after the show, Van was just sitting at the bar, but he was talking to some dude. After their set, there was still Candiria(who blow shit) and Cryptopsy(who rule) to go, so I met, got pictures with, and got Jim to sign my DNB booklet. I also saw Loomis around, he was too busy smoking, walking fast and looking angry to get anything. and my bros got pictures with(and autographs if they wanted, which they didn't) Warrel, Jim, Anders and Jesper(In Flames) at the same club, but a different show.
so, yah, thats what i know.