Possibly OT but my god...


The Ancient Metalhead
Dec 30, 2004
Indianapolis In USA
What the hell is wrong with these rock and pop artists these days now there wanting to
become country stars i mean i was doing my laundry today and CMT
was on and like Carrie Underwood from American Idol is playing Country
music? And Bon Jovi is doing a country song? And then Neil Young
having a video i mean i was like wait this is dude that talked mad shit
about southreners and the state of alabama back in the day and now
he's trying to be a country artist sheesh. What's next a gene simmons
duet with Big And Rich? God i hate todays country music Bryant, Sixx,
TVH your thoughts?
I think it's interesting that Country has become the crossover flavor of the month like rap metal a number of years ago...
I like the outlaw country, they don't make music to sell records like mainstream artists. I think it is exciting that barriers are being taken down.
Like last weeks' show that I attended with Hank III and the fuckin' Murder Junkies... Who would have though a country act touring with a core band?!
It just wouldn't have happened a number of years ago.
Bon Jovi is a puke that will hop on any trend that is "in." I'm surprised he didn't do a Limp Bizkit type song when that was the thing...
Anyway, looks like Bon Jovi are headed to spiltsville which is fine with me...
I love the blues grass tribute to Van Halen. Again Roth is much like Jovi who will do what it takes to have his name out there. The record is solid, but as I stated not becuase of Roth, but because of the musicianship of the bands involved. Neil Young needs to worry about Canada, I don'tr much care for him preaching to Americans about what is wrong with this country when his has it's issues as well... He's another example of trend whore, he took part in the grunge thing, thanks to Pearl Jam...
Back to your question....
I don't like commercial, radio friendly country music, I don't like "true" country music and I think that crossovers are good for music, but only when the intentions are good. If you're doing it to sell records, it's fake and we can all see through that. Neil Young can eat a shit sandwich!
KMADD said:
What the hell is wrong with these rock and pop artists these days now there wanting to
become country stars i mean i was doing my laundry today and CMT
was on and like Carrie Underwood from American Idol is playing Country
music? And Bon Jovi is doing a country song? And then Neil Young
having a video i mean i was like wait this is dude that talked mad shit
about southreners and the state of alabama back in the day and now
he's trying to be a country artist sheesh. What's next a gene simmons
duet with Big And Rich? God i hate todays country music Bryant, Sixx,
TVH your thoughts?
Well, Carrie Underwood from what I understand, American Idol aside, is a country music fan anyway. Well, she's really pop-country, but really no surprise there.

Neil Young made one of the finest albums ever in '72 called 'Harvest' which is basically a country album. He also has released other folk/country albums, throughout his career. He has always crossed genres on his albums.

I am a big country music fan...real country. From the old-timers(Hank, Willie, Waylon, Cash) to the new breed of alt-county acts that play real honkytonk/country with a dash of rock thrown in. I do abhor the pop-country that plagues most of radio now days, as country music. But, whatever people want to do, or what kinda music they want to make, is up to them. If its good I'll buy it...if not I'll ignore it.
see i dont know i grew up on David Allen Coe, George Jones, Kenny Rogers,
Loretta Lynn, Hank Sr and Jr and so forth and watch that stuff and just
shake my head in a negative way. But on the positive i saw a video
of Kenny Chesney actually playing a real country song it wasn't bad
and the new George Strait song was pretty decent as well.
AS always the commercialized or should I say, bastardized version of a genre is pure crap! But underneath the surface there are artists that will amaze you if you take the time and effort to discover them.

Of course you must have the drive and interest to do this. At the moment I am happy to be a close minded metal freak! ;)
Hawk said:
At the moment I am happy to be a close minded metal freak! ;)


Well you see that's the way I am, I only listen to classic rock and nwobhm and every other type of music actually makes me feel physically sick, especially country!!!! oh dear!!!!
Bon Jovi ain't bandwagon jumping with the country stuff. He's always had a bit of a country flair, and I don't mean just with the boots he wore. :) It dates back to at least "Wanted, Dead or Alive" off Slippery. He did quite a bit of it on his solo record, including the track he did for Young Guns II.

What they call Country these days feels more like Rockabilly to me. I guess they're about forty five years behind the times in their quest for something new and fresh. :ill:

I'm Old School as far as Country goes too, I guess. Give me Cash, Williams and Jr., Yoakam, and a few others. I'm not much of a Country fan but I have an appreciation for it and its roots. It also can spark more than a few really cool childhood memories.
I'll be seeing a band called Cross Canadian Ragweed tomorrow night. Basically alt-country/country rock band that I've been waiting to see for a few years now.
sixxswine said:
Give Hank III a try and then tell if he doesn't kick your ass!!!!

He was here, in my very own little town (well, the bigger town to the North) night before last. If it wouldn't have been early in the week I would have seriously considered it. I've been curious for a while.
I also agree with Wheez about Bon Jovi. I will stand up for JBJ until hell freezes over. The guy has never been more than a singer in a rock and roll band despite being a pretty boy. He has had the country influenced stuff since pretty early in his career.
As far as Niel Young..... I live in Alabama and have all of my life, yet he doesn't offend me. You can't take the song out of context. I get bored quick with Young, but he ALWAYS has/had/will have social and political things to say in his music. Young doesn't even care if his label drops him because he won't write a "hit" song. It has happened to him on more than one occasion.
I'm not trying to knock you KMADD and I actually agree with you to a point, but you used some bad examples.

Wheezer said:
He was here, in my very own little town (well, the bigger town to the North) night before last. If it wouldn't have been early in the week I would have seriously considered it. I've been curious for a while.

He gives the concert goers their money's worth...
Three sets...
Country for 1 hour...
Hellbilly, as he calls it...20 min.
then closes with his Punk Rock band Ass Jack for about an hour...
No intermission!!!!!