Post your picks for the singers on the upcoming Ayreon album!

Aug 14, 2008
Trying to guess on this "realistically" would be a total crapshoot. Dude's gotten everyone from Bruce Dickinson to Jonas Renkse on his albums, so may as well make a wish-list of singers that would be cool to see (or rather, hear) on the new Ayreon. Who do you wanna see and why? I dunno about you guys, but I'm gonna have fun with this!

My picks:


Rob Halford: I thought Nostradamus was an utter pile. With real direction though, Rob could shine on a "rock opera" if it's done right (aka Ayreon).

Jeff Scott Soto: He's the master! He needs to be on there!!

Warrel Dane: I think his range would fit really well on an Ayreon record. Whether it's his ear shattering high screeches, or his low mournful croon, Warrel could definitely steal the show.

Matt Barlow: Same reasons as Warrel. He can go high with the best of them, but his mournful vocals would be amazing for Ayreon.

Cristina Scabbia: I haven't really cared about Lacuna Coil since Comalies, but I still love her voice. She is a great singer and would add a richness to Ayreon that alot of these "operatic" style singers lack IMO.

Mikael Stanne: I'm going to have an "oddball" list coming up, but I wouldn't consider Mike to be one. He's one of the best screamers in the business, BUT his Depeche Mode-style cleans would add a really cool touch to the more "industrial/electronic" Ayreon moments.

Steven Wilson: I've heard that Steven Wilson has refused to be on an Ayreon album, but I can still dream, can't I?

Daniel Heiman: The stuff he's been doing post-Lost Horizon (one of my favorite power metal bands of all time) sucks donkey scrote, BUT his voice still rules, and he would be a cool fit for Ayreon.

Kevin Moore: Just like with Stanne, Moore would do an AWESOME job with the more industrial/electronic Ayreon moments.


Peter Tägtgren: Probably would never happen, but in the rare instances where there are screams in Ayreon he'd probably deliver some truly haunting takes. His cleans may not fit with Arjen's style though.

Spencer Sotelo: Ain't never gonna happen, but I think his voice (and his range) would be sick as hell in an Ayreon song.

Sarah Jezebel Deva: Again, I don't think it's very "realistic," but her vocals are irresistible.

Jerry Cantrell: Yeah yeah, laugh it up. It's ridiculous I know. However, I think he'd fit right at home on an Ayreon record.


Anneke van Giersbergen: No comments needed really. She fits Ayreon like a glove.

Devin Townsend: If you wouldn't want to hear Devy and Warrel trading takes with swirling keyboards and epic riffs in the background, I don't believe you're telling the truth!

Russel Allen: It's been way too long since Rus has been on an Ayreon album.

Fabio Lione: Same with Rus. Been too long since he's been on an Ayreon album.

Anywho, that's just me, and I'm sure I forgot a bunch others.

Russel Allen - one of my favorite metal vocalists, and just fits with Ayreon's style.

Whoever the vocalists were on Comatose and Dragon on the Sea too.

I'd like to hear Ayreon's music with a decent growl vocalist too. Say, the guy from Barren Earth for example.
I would love Nils or Michael, because I can't get enough of either. Kobi of Orphaned Land could do growls or clean and either would be bad ass and lend a very cool vibe. Daniel Tompkins could be brilliant in either role too. I would swoon for some more purely clean work from Strid. Mr. Englund is always amazing, and is one of the best parts of the last album imo. Tommy is on a roll lately, and that would be a nice hat feather for him. Marco Hietala always guests brilliantly. I could keep going for a while... so many amazing options.

Sotelo would be sure. I love the hell out of Periphery, but I'm not sure how well that would flow.

At any rate I'm very excited to see and hear this album developing.
Floor Jansen for sure. She always sounds fantastic on his projects. Russell Allen of course.

I'd have to think about others. I like the Barlow idea. Not just because Matt is awesome, but depending on the subject of the album, could really be a cool vocalist for it. I'm sure the aliens, or whoever visits Arjen in his dreams has already given him what he's looking for though.
So instead of having fun with this thread and contributing you actually try to start an argument? Srs?

Wait what? Where was I starting an argument? You stated that you wanted Russell to sing on the next Ayreon and I pointed out that he's on the latest Star One which was only a year or two ago. I assumed you were aware of the Star One album but that maybe you had forgotten or something while you were typing this.

I was not starting an argument and had no reason to do so and I feel that while I did not contribute to your wish list, I definitely contributed information regarding singers for Ayreon.
First, I would fucking scream like a little girl if Halford was on it.

I'll just comment on who hasn't been announced.

Tobias Sammett - I know, he's pretty much his direct competition, but I could see it.

Tommy Karevik - The guy's got a lot of clout at the moment, and he could be a good addition.

Manuela Kraller - Xandria's been upping their game, and she'd be a fantastic addition as one of the female voices on this.
Christian Alvestam, imo would be perfect. Especially for both clean and growls if they were needed.

Ihsahn, same as Christian.

Im usually not a super huge fan of this type of music, but this guys clean vocals are great, he can also do growls. He has a great timbre and style to his voice. I saw this band live last week,and he was killer. Kinda an odd one out, but still awesome.

Chris Clancy of Mutiny Within would do great as well, he has such a powerful voice, and he could pull off many different tones and moods.
Here's a song of his solo material.

Matt Smith of Theocracy, he'd just fit perfectly.

I think joey eppard from 3 would be awesome as well, he'd a different character to the standard prog/power metal vocalists.
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Christian Alvestam, imo would be perfect. Especially for both clean and growls if they were needed.

Ihsahn, same as Christian.

Either of those would be badass, especially Ihsahn who over the last few years has been doing a lot of collaborations, so it wouldn't surprise me.