post your sexy pics here

Party party party party party!!!! party!!1


That shitty bis picked me up from AND dropped me off at my apartment! I'm on love!

The hat mostly. He somehow ported it into the game and so many were impressed he had the balls to wear it they just froze in place.
I typically hate servers with as many people as that one last night, but I saw you guys were playing so I had to come in. The rest of those all talk assholes were assholes though. I think it's a huge breach of ettiquette when dead people use all talk to tell their teammates where the enemy is at. Fucking cheater faggots.
Yeah... poor slapper was getting his ass handed to him for a while because we'd ALL just rush one area and wipe it clean. The excess drinking he did didn't help it.
I try not to play on the team opposite you. As a rule, I play 1K:2 or 3D due to just not caring to use tactics, and you make my ratios more like 1:7.
Think of it as a challenge. Try to work that ratio back to normal while I'm playing. I like to play with people that are better than me because it makes me try harder. Then again, that's kind of my outloook towards everything competitive.

I'll tell you my biggest secret to success in CSS: WALK.

Seriously... it's amazing how many people just run everywhere they go and make noise. That's the easiest way to win... be quiet and smart, and listen listen listen and be patient. Using headphones helps A LOT, but make sure you don't put them on backwards ;)
Well I don't mean to do it when it isn't necessary, but if I'm the last guy left alive on my time then I perma-walk.
Yes, if I make it that far, I do that. But otherwise I like to get a P90 and jog right up into a guy's face while spray-painting him the whole time. Annoys the shit of of snipers when they miss.

And I dunno.
Hmm, I'm not sure. I've never paid for it, but I started back at 1.3. I've never been asked to pay money for any updates/new versions. As far as I know, it's still 100% free.
Yes, if I make it that far, I do that. But otherwise I like to get a P90 and just jog right up into a guy's face while spray-painting him the whole time. Annoys the shit of of snipers when they miss.

And I don't think they do.
Bad snipers ;)

What's your favorite gun, David? I think mine is the AUG. I love the short scope, rapid firing and good accuracy.

edit: Plus it makes a cool noise ;)
Well, The P90 is good for Zerg rushing, the shotgun good for the same and some commando settings like office, and the M4 is good for midrange fighting for me. I'm not a great shot with the AUG, I do ok with the AK, and I suck shit with the MP5. If I get in a crazy mood and grab a DE and use it, I can hit people 70% of the time. Overall... hmm... I do best with the P90 in indoor fighting and the M4 in things like dust and Italy. Either one.
I've never ever been good with either of the shotguns. I buy one of those and I'm gettin' raped.
Every now and then I like to bust out the machine gun because it always surprises people and if you can stay alive in a firefight until they run out of ammo, it's basically a free headshot. It's also pretty accurate and powerful long range if you shoot in 2-3 bullet bursts. One time I wasted an awper with one shot from the machine gun in that long stretch from t spawn to ct spawn in dust2.

MP5 is the best cheap gun. I like it better than both the Galil and the Famas. Those two guns slow you down a lot and the MP5 is effective for spraying because it's one of those guns that when it's hitting you, keeps you from being able to move or fire back.