post your sexy pics here

I want a black ballerina :(
private dancer?

I was sure I got AIDS the time that we were at a local music fest and my contact fell on the nasty bathroom floor. There wasn't even any hand soap, so I rinsed it off and shoved it back in. Can't walk around half-blind, afterall.

But now I have glasses for such situations :Spin:
that upper left tom looks shit to hit :p

Haha, it is :lol:
But I don't really use them, it's not even my drumkit, I use it for recordings only. The toms are attached to the crash stand, and I don't really want to detach them cause otherwise the owner of the drums would beat me up for mixing up the kit. :p

I really need my own drums, getting tired of the digital kit I have at home. :(
So I saw Gwar tonight and at the end of the show one of the slaves poured a cup of blood on me.


More pictures when my friend uploads them.


I don't imagine their blood would do anything terribly bad, after all it's just water and food coloring. On a related note, I got our fake blood in my eye last year at the Morgue one THAT's bad shit. I blinked once, saw red, then spent ten minutes trying to blink my way out of blurriness. :zombie:
When I saw the pic I said: "GROSSSSSS SHE'S GOT STUFF IN HER EYES"

but then Cara tells me that she knew people who would put food coloring in their eyes to color their contacts, so I guess it's not so damaging afterall.