post your sexy pics here

yeah, he's confusing words more than usual, too. or they could just be the normal fruedian slips. i got him a cupcake and when he was done he told me "Now that i'm done this cupcake, i can resume eating you" meaning to say "bothering you."

i'm so proud.

edit: since 1/5/04
I remember seeing that on the Travel Channel around Halloween. How was it?...Wet? :loco:

(cuz you look soaked, unless my eyes are playing tricks)
It was pouring rain while we waited for our time to go, either that, it was 95% inside the prison. Besides the fact that I scar very easily, I nearly peed myself silly inside that damned place. Everything was so well orchestrated, the make-up was well done, etc. The actors did they're jobs well. I highly recommend going if you get the chance.
because i felt like taking a pic with my guitar:


and then one of it by itself:


this is just a lil christmas tree thingy in our living room that i find mesmerizing for some reason

