- May 12, 2007
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Band info:
Posthumous Blasphemer was formed in Belarus in 2001. The first recorded album was 'Avantground Undergrind', which was released by DAC Productions. In the line-up of Alexzonder, Fiendharon and Nokteronith, the second album, 'Putrespermfaction Versus Fertiholyzation' was recorded and released by Relics Records. The brutal and technical grinding Death Metal has been continued, and in 2005 the band released their most recent album. 'Crucified Humiliation' is once again released by Relics Records/Sound Age prods., and now features new vocalist Biven.
Posthumous Blasphemer is:
Fiendharon - guitars/drums
Alexzonder - bass
Biven - vocals
2003 - Avantground Undergrind, CD [DAC]
2004 - Putrespermfaction Versus Fertiholyzation, CD [Monsters Corp.]
2004 - Posthumous Blasphemer / Katalepsy / Barbarity / Smersh, Split [More Hate]
2005 - Crucified Humiliation, CD [Relics/Sound Age]
Brutal Death
Оficial web: http://www.pblasphemer.zoo.by/
My Space: http://www.myspace.com/pblasphemerband
On this site http://www.myspace.com/pblasphemerband you can find 2 video clips of POSTHUMOUS BLASPHEMER.