Poverty's No Crime - Spiral of Fear


Shopping Ape
Dec 29, 2001
Alpharetta, GA
No clips yet but apparently its done. No release date or label info either. Looking on the FB page they're back to Volker on vocals (which is a relief). I'm stoked! Been way too long.

Here's the back cover image and track listing they posted:

I'll be completely honest. I had zero expectations that these guys would be able to put out something good in 2016. But I'm pleasantly surprised, that's a damn good song.
This dropped in in the states today and 1 listen in I think I can safely say the PNC we know and love has returned. If you were a fan of their previous material you'll love it. If you weren't, you won't. If you don't know them this is as good a place as any to start. 8 years between albums and its like they didn't miss a beat...
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Outstanding! I need this immediately!
Thanks for the heads-up. The way KG moves this forum along these days, I completely missed that full video until just now.......... :(
Wow, what a great progressive metal album! High time these guys got a shot at PP USA. After Dream Theater's disappointing fairy tail album of bland music written to please Petrucci's and Jordon's girls, this is the prog-metal album we need and want.
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Checking this out today, really sweet stuff. Had not know of these guys previously.

Wow, are you in for a treat. They are one of the most consistent bands for the last 20 years. While not overly active, every single album is solid.
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Wow, what a great progressive metal album! High time these guys got a shot at PP USA. After Dream Theater's disappointing fairy tail album of bland music written to please Petrucci's and Jordon's girls, this is the prog-metal album we need and want.

Agree. I was VERY pleasantly surprised at how good this one is.... but Theories of Flight is the prog-metal album we wanted/needed.
Not sure why anyone is surprised, as mentioned these guys have been one of the most consistent bands throughout their career. Slave to the Mind is still my favorite but you really can't go wrong with any of their releases.
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