Power Metal Song MIX (was pretty tough)


Nov 30, 2009
Lima - Peru

I've just finished this mix which took me lots of hours, I'm pretty happy with the results but my ears are very tired so i wan't you to help me giving it the final check, to deliver it to the band. I won't mention which the band is and please don't show the song around. As this is a very awaited song (not THAT awaited but it is for the band).

Thanks in advance!

I think it is a killer song!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/36168310/Under the Moonlight.mp3


http://dl.dropbox.com/u/36168310/Under the Moonlight fix.mp3
Great mix dude, sounds like Warmen! Only real gripe is the guitars are a little lacking in substance - just doesn't have as much lower-midrange growl as you'd expect in this sort of thing.
Yeah I know, but i can't seem to really enjoy a mix with low midrange "growl" on guitars, i feel it gets all to muddy, or that the guitars become to important. The main focus in this kind of music is for me the vocals and melody. Thanks any ways, i'll sleep the song through and listen to it with fresh ears later.
yeah that center hit just stick outs like a sore thumb for me despite how smooth the rest of the arrangement sounds : /
Not my style of music but your mix is great! I like it! The lead vocals are just a little bit too loud to me.
Love it dude! Vocals came up a treat. I do think the guitars could have a little more body to them though, they seem a bit too small and not impactful enough. But that's just me :)
Love it dude! Vocals came up a treat. I do think the guitars could have a little more body to them though, they seem a bit too small and not impactful enough. But that's just me :)

but then he has to take off the bass a bit. What i would do anyway because the bass is a bit loud i think.

Vocals and Drums sound really great!
@ Charles Monroe : Yeah i actually thought so too, I already send the mix to the band. surely they'll point me out theyre concerns. And if no one says it's the bass, then i'll leave it.