Power Metal

Metalium is the only power metal band that I actually call myself a fan of, other power metal bands that I enjoy from time to time are Stratovarius, Hammerfall and Rhapsody
I never said your avatar was the problem..the conversation about it was the problem..don't cop a 'tude like I'm some Nazi or something, dude. Get your story straight.
Originally posted by Lux Triumphans
Power Metal be coo. Warrior of Ice I think you know which ones i already like. Im Afraid that if i say any bands i might get bashed again for no reason. :bah:

You people are acting like if we were nazis or something:rolleyes: I wonder who was the one that started bashing bands on the first place:rolleyes: Is that a reason good enough for ya?:rolleyes:
The whole sub-genre thing kind of confuses me, I dont know exactly what you guys would consider power, black, death, metal.

Iced Earth, Blind Gaurdian, Rhapsody, Iron Maiden, Nevermore, Sinergy, Demons And Wizards, Jag Panzer, Angel Dust
When it comes to "power metal" I like the US style power metal more then the European style. This means I like Nevermore, Jag Panzer and Kamelot better, much better than the happy sounding sing a-long chorusses of Helloween, Sonica Artica and Rhapsody, although anyone could see that these bands are damn good.

For me it's a matter of preference. I am not fooling myself into the idea that US power metal is in one way or another superior or "better" then Euro power metal. I just think that the US bands in this genre have a more agressive crunch and I happen to like that more. All IMHO of course :D
Originally posted by The Yngster
The whole sub-genre thing kind of confuses me, I dont know exactly what you guys would consider power, black, death, metal.

Iced Earth, Blind Gaurdian, Rhapsody, Iron Maiden, Nevermore, Sinergy, Demons And Wizards, Jag Panzer, Angel Dust

Let's see if I can help you a little bit:D

Death Metal-often the music is chaotic, the lyrics deal with gore, spychopatic minds or cultural aproach. Vocals are often low gutural growls or change between Screaming and growls. Use of blast beats and double bass is common.

example of death meal bands (Nile, Death, Decapitated etc)

Black Metal-there areoften two divisions of black metal, one atmospheric very influenced by classical music (to get a more evil sound), other bands are chaotic with their aproach but still use classical elements on their music. Lyrics deal with pseudo satanism sometimes and more often these days nordic pagan cults. Vocals are often screaming and screeching.

Black metal bands (Emperor, Immortal, Satyricon, Mayhem)

Power Metal-The music is very clean, it has clean pounding sound often power metal bands are influenced also by classical music. Vocal aproach varies but often singers have pretty wide ranges. Lyrics often deal with fantasy, medieval times among other subjects.

Power Metal bands (Stratovarius, Metalium, Hammerfall, Rhapsody, Blind Guardian)

Hope that helps, if you need any more help just ask:D

oh and btw early Iced Earth was thrash nowadays they are more influenced by Power Metal
I wouldn't say Iron Maiden is power metal... it's Heavy Metal, goddamnit!! :D

Well, I like power metal... a lot

Sonata Arctica - Rhapsody - Helloween - Edguy - Avantasia - Iced Earth - Demons & Wizards - Iron Savior - Primal Fear - Thunderstone....
Blind Guardian, Edguy, Ayreon, Avantasia (wow, part II owns!) Helloween, Rhapsody, Nightwish, Falconer (anyone else here of these guys?), Demons & Wizards, Iron Maiden.

Dan Swano was involved in a project that made REAL cheesy power metal songs, I forget the name, though.