Power/Prog at Thats so Metal.com

Nov 12, 2002
Hello, this is Rich from www.thatssometal.com. We are a website that hosts monthly metal nights at various establishments in the NJ/NY area. We will be at the NJ Kiss Expo on May 3 at the Meadowlands Sheraton, you do not need to pay to get into our party. The parties have gone extremely well for some time now, we play all kinds of metal with special attention on the Power/Prog bands, and pride ourselves in bringing this great form of metal to the American listeners. We also have special guests, trivia, and giveaways at ever party. Go to our website for details and directions as well as the best in news, reviews and interviews in the world of metal.
Yes indeed people be sure to check this out. I have been to several of the websites parties in the past and they are great. Friendly people, heavy metal, good times, you can't beat it. The trivia is cool and prizes usually consist of cd's or t shirts. The metal selection played throughout the night is just amazing. You hear stuff from all various types of metal and great bands such as Running Wild, Stratovarius, Judas Priest, Slayer, Overkill, Kreator and so much more. If you are in the area it will definetly be worth attending.