Power Quest and the BBC!

240bpm?!?!?! :eek: that's clocking in at the same kind of speed as most of the songs on Slayer's Reign In Blood, innit?! :devil: mebbe you could ask Dave Lombardo to join the band or something...

That's quite an impressive plug! Well done!
I didn't realise we were blazing away at quite that speed..hehe! Not all the tracks are that fast...honest!

It'll be interesting to see what the BBC plug will do for us....I'm sure we'll get some amusing comments up there!
Either they take ages to update those comments or disliked my enthusiasm :oops: keep an eye on too!
Thanks guys....I too will watching those comments with interest...haha!

I think it's one of those situations where they probably read through all comments and then decide what to put up on the board.

Incidentally, having posted the info about the BBC thing at the Dragonforce site...I should have known what sort of response I would get. Ah well.

Wooaaaey! So the English music press is not all *that* useless after all? Let's hope it will open up a lot of eyes towards the fact that the best bands are still coming from the UK and NOT the US...!! (at least IMO they do and have always done - a few exceptions allowed)

Originally posted by Symphony
Incidentally, having posted the info about the BBC thing at the Dragonforce site...I should have known what sort of response I would get. Ah well.


HuH? - Confused now, too. What were the reactions on this Dragonforce site? Sounds like nothing too friendly? Is this a forum, too? (/me being too lazy...erm.... no, busy... to look it up)
Yeah I think it's pretty cool to get something going on with the BBC...I know they aren't exactly Rock Hard or anything but at least it will expose the band to people who would not have seen us before.

Oh the DF thing.....basically "someone" thought it would be amusing to criticise it....but what can you do?