Power Quest online store


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
I'll be closing the PQ store on Sunday December 18th until January 3rd 2012 as mailing out goods at this time of year is fraught with problems due to the massive increase in the amount of post flying around at this time of year.

If you do order something, the order will be held until January 3rd and I will action it then.

Btw Steve I remember you selling a PQ beanie sometime before via the PQ shop, will this ever be for sale again?
I would also be interested in the beanie. Only rain and light snow here in Sweden thus far, but believe me, it will come. I'd like to face the wrath of the Nordic winter looking classy, please.
We've been running a little poll on Facebook to see what new lines of merchandise people would like for 2012. Obviously we have a limit to what we can produce but so far 2 of the most popular ideas are

1. Hoodies
2. Record bags

Beanies could be produced again as well......or a different style of headwear maybe? Hit me up with your ideas!
Other headwear? I see a Power Quest bandana in the making!
We've been running a little poll on Facebook to see what new lines of merchandise people would like for 2012. Obviously we have a limit to what we can produce but so far 2 of the most popular ideas are

1. Hoodies
2. Record bags

Beanies could be produced again as well......or a different style of headwear maybe? Hit me up with your ideas!

Since I don't have a Facebook account, could you take my vote here? I'd say a PQ beanie would be of my biggest interest.

If that's not availible/or if i'm going to chose of the 2 above I'd say Record bags!