Powerful Inner Circle


Nov 24, 2003
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Today in my english class i had decided to bring my new Evergrey cd. The reason because I had realized that the whole cd was about something that very similarly happened to a friend of mine. I told her she needed to listen to it and read the lyrics. As she started listening, she began to cry within the first 40 seconds of Touch of Blessing. By the end of When the Walls Go Down she was shaken but ultimately touched by how well the story had been told in the album. Now I have made her a fan of Evergrey and she is going to get the album. Great job, Evergrey. You all have moved someone and now I feel moved from that experience. Terrific new album and the most powerful yet!
I imagine if you know someone who got involved in a cult it probably would mean more. I consider myself a Pagan although I do not take part in any type of group or ritualistic behavior at all ... just myself and my Spirit. Nothing more, nothing less. Why people would ever get involved in a cult-group blows my mind although everyone is different.
I agree that it is kind of odd that someone would be involved in a cult but it was not in her control. She was younger and after that whole experience she is now atheist.
i agree this cd is so real, and powerful, i don't think there is an evergrey cd, that don't have something everyone can relate too in there personal lives, too think i talked to tom at the troc show, and he says they expecting to make the next album even darker, with less keyboards, and more of a heavier sound :worship:
nightrage said:
i agree this cd is so real, and powerful, i don't think there is an evergrey cd, that don't have something everyone can relate too in there personal lives, too think i talked to tom at the troc show, and he says they expecting to make the next album even darker, with less keyboards, and more of a heavier sound :worship:
NOOO!!! Not less keyboards! It's so perfect as it is now. The excellent keyboards is part of what really makes Evergrey stand out from all the other heavy-riffing bands.

On topic: That's a really touching story you shared with us. I've also always wondered how people end up in these cults, but there's obviously something tempting about them (considering the amount of people that seem to fall for these things)...
It can be a very touching album, like on In Search Of Truth, the main storyline often acts as a metaphor for feelings of hopelessness and detachment from your loved ones, one can easily relate to songs like In The Wake Of The Weary, Waking Up Blind, or Faith Restored without knowing anything about the concept.
I ordered the CD online. I get it tomorrow(should at least). I read about how the CD is about cults, and it's cool that the cd touches people and has a purpose(Unlike those bastards 'Good Charlotte'*DIE!!!* talkin about rich and famous ppl when they are rich...and famous...assholes...Oh sorry... back to Evergrey). Evergrey is just a great band, who is not widely enough known. Ex. Best buy didnt have their CD's until I bugged them enough (they almost always have CD's I want), and I only know about 4 people (in person) who know who they are. I've only had 2 of their cd's (two more on the way) for about 3 weeks and I love their music(though I've heard their stuff earlier).
Demonspell said:
It can be a very touching album, like on In Search Of Truth, the main storyline often acts as a metaphor for feelings of hopelessness and detachment from your loved ones, one can easily relate to songs like In The Wake Of The Weary, Waking Up Blind, or Faith Restored without knowing anything about the concept.
I agree.
Today when we talked about Evergrey it was funny because I was telling her bout how I was seeing them in concert down in Arizona and she was like, "While everyone else is headbanging :rock: , I would be crying."
That's what's great about music, it can touch you much. :) While The Inner Circle hasn't really gotten a hold of me yet except for the closing track, it's great to see other people getting much out of it.
I agree that the new album is very good ,the production far superior to RD, Tom's lyrics have always been cognative (looking for a different word ...maybe thoughtfull), however I miss the guitar assult on this album, especially since the step toward the lightning riffs on RD. A lot of "bendy" solos, IMO not as crafted, as the previous two albums. The beginning of "Rec day" almost made me swirl of the road the first time I heard it, this album is more mellow and not as intence musically (granted track 1,8 and 10 is uneasingly creepy). I feel the band is trying to find the momentum after the loss of Patrick, perhaps a little more input and personal growth/maturity from Jonas (I know I am sounding like an asshole, I've talked to Jonas after their last Stokholm show and I realize that being thrown against these other asskicking musicians it is a daunting task never minding the haunting feeling of recording an album right of the bat with the freaks too! :lol: ). I realize that change is inevitable to make a band grow though I look forward to a heavier sound in the future. Tom's voice has gone a little bit "smokie/worn" after touring this carrying this new record to an even more creepy level, the mournful voice really matching the eiry attitude of the album. Though I thought that Tom was going after more HIGH NOTES after hearing the "Recreation day" album apperantly not so but instead taking the vocals to the opposite way, putting new bravery to shift paces in the middle of climb to recognition. When making an album following a red thread I guess it is not possible to stray the path when coming to mood and temper ie. a gloomy mood can not be accompanied by a "angle of death" drum beat. Rikard has really begun to grow his part in the band I think, some sweet sounding synth effect carrying some of the songs on his back alone!!! Look forward to more agressive inputs from him as well! "Where all good sleeps" and " When the walls come down" are (IMO ...again) parts that are not so EVERGREY'ish until his coming! But to cut down on synth's for the next album would not carry the "traditional Grey" sound, my bet is Rickard will keep kicking some ass. Though I think some more "solos" are in place by now, NO? I look forward to a show in Stockholm and to see "my" boys get the recognition they deserve and for me to tell people..

-Yeah, I followed these guys for years... So you like this album... Well you should check out some of their old stuff, here try this one and this one and this one and this one...

*Stays Grey :heh:

ps. the new make-up and poses in the middle of the limited edition look gay as hell, kill that fucking camera/PR man!!!!!

*runs for cover*
Mammoth said:
ps. the new make-up and poses in the middle of the limited edition look gay as hell, kill that fucking camera/PR man!!!!!

*runs for cover*

I do confess I really think the make-up looks poor. It is quite obvious and overdone in my opinion. However, this is pretty much the only negative of The Inner Circle (for me at least)! :)
Oakenson said:
I do confess I really think the make-up looks poor. It is quite obvious and overdone in my opinion. However, this is pretty much the only negative of The Inner Circle (for me at least)! :)

Well will not comment to much on this but the shots are hidious.Especially TOM/JONAS wow?!??
Hrmm.. How ever as a guitar appreciator
Mammoth said:
A lot of "bendy" solos, IMO not as crafted, as the previous two albums
I am alone on this?
Its pretty good, but another band that gets to a lot of people and touches them emotionally is Devin Townsend. Real emotionally moving stuff.