Powermetal and orchesteral bg.


Living Atlantis
Nov 26, 2001
Kathmandu, Nepal
Most powermetal bands use some orchesteral background in their songs, (Edguy, Helloween, hammerfall, Blind Gaurdian) but Gamma Ray, since many of the same kind of music have arose changed that and started to use new techniques, previewed in No World Order (rlsd. 2001). They have tried new stuff and experimented with new styles (riffs, lead, etc.). I think this change is quiet good, even though the classics, Land of the Free, Rebellion in dreamland, somewhere out in space, a change is always gr8. As Kai Hansen said in his interview with UM, this time we're taking a risky step where they mite lose or get new fans... well i'm one of those who got in...

et tu metal-heads??
keyboards = bad

oh that's off topic? sorry :D

i like gamma ray a lot, but new world order was extremely boring.