powertool masturbation...not the brightest idea ever.

You know, I think the best part of this is she was butt naked in her driveway trying to do it; and I'm assuming since the neighbor saw it was either broad daylight or she had a light turned on; regardless, talk about lack of discretion!
You know, I think the best part of this is she was butt naked in her driveway trying to do it; and I'm assuming since the neighbor saw it was either broad daylight or she had a light turned on; regardless, talk about lack of discretion!

Well, kinda stating the obvious here but she must've been nuts... I mean, not just "everyday" kinda nuts, but REALLY nuts... heavy mental issues (not heavy metal, but MENtal! The heavy metal was in her cunt though..).

I bet she was goin' through some crisis and wanted to spice up her life. Talk about getting fucked to death (yea the machine got to fuck atleast!).