PPUSA XIII Promo Posters


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Many thanks to our *rockstar,* Wayne Joyner, for his continued excellence in graphics:


High Rez (16MB) download/print version: http://www.progpowerusa.com/xiii/images/posters/ppusaXIII_poster_hires.jpg


Thanks to everyone for continuing to help get the word out.
Now all we need is the Wednesday/Thursday Announcement and the poster will be complete! And I like the idea of a dark green shirt as well! But in the end, what ever the boss man decides will be cool!!
Awesome Poster and the graphics would look great on a DARK green shirt
Don't know if this is an unofficial poll organically started here, but I'm also in favor of the dark green shirt if anyone is counting (I'm looking at you, John Hough) :)
I'm wondering where the pro-black shirt folks are at this time around?

perhaps they finally embraced that change is inevitable and growth is good; or realized its your festival and they can deal with it or stay at home bored and bitch through a keyboard about the color of a shirt (amongst other stupid things.)