Prayer for the participants of the Summer Breeze festival

Jan 10, 2004
Germany's leading metal mag "Rock Hard" published this article from the official gazette of the local authority of Abtsgmünd in it's newest edition:

Gebet für die Teilnehmer des Summerbreeze-Festivals

Christen aus Abtsgmünd und Umgebung wollen gemeinsam für die Teilnehmer des Summerbreeze Festivals beten, dass alle vor okkulten und satanistischen Einflüssen bewahrt werden. Wir laden zu einem gemeinsamen Gebet am Mittwoch den 20. Juli 2005 um 19 Uhr ins evangelische Gemeindezentrum in Abtsgmünd ein.

Rough translation:

Prayer for the participants of the Summerbreeze festival

Christians from Abtsgmünd and its surroundings will be jointly praying for the participants of the Summerbreeze festival, to protect them from occult and satanic influences. We invite you to our common prayer on Wednesday, July 20, 2005 at 19:00 at the protestant community center in Abtsgmünd.
so i couldn't overcome the temptation not to put some pics i found about the "prayers" and "saviour" that followed us(all the participants) everywhere during the festival :Spin:

at first the "prayers" and "saviours"

(free translation: "Jesus Christ is alive and he prevails")


(free translation: "I like Jesus and you?")


and here is the answer of one of the participants to both above:

(free translation from left to right: "I like beer, and you?" "Jesus is dead for long time (already)")

Ha, that last sign is funny. We have a lot of evangelistic weirdos in the US, but I've never seen them at a show. Last time I saw any, they were protesting outside Cooperstown (Alice Cooper's bar/restaurant in Cleveland, OH), and preaching to the homeless there. We also had the Jews For Jesus group at an intersection near where I work, holding up signs and waving at cars, and passing out flyers to businesses and people walking by - they were advertising themselves, basically.
jaimek said:
Ha, that last sign is funny. We have a lot of evangelistic weirdos in the US, but I've never seen them at a show.

Jaime, I'll take pictures outside Phillips arena and the Tabernacle next time there's a metal concert. I'm surprised they haven't figured out Earthlink yet, though I'm sure the day is coming.