Pre Production! d'you like it???

On first listen, I noticed immediately that the guitars aren't matching up after the intro, when they play the intro riff together. They are off by a few ms'. Drums sound great, guitar tone isn't bad, could use some work, but it's fine for the style. Just try to get the guitars tighter when played together. Thats the only real thing I find that needs improvement. Other than that, great job so far, can't wait to hear the vocals on it. :)

Yaaa the guitars are a bit sloppy ;) we have to work on them!

The Drums are RM IV with a Mix of Exodus Bassdrum, New Nevermore Snare and some samples from the Battery CD (Toms, HiHat, Cymbals)

Guitars are Sansamp Plugin with the Rectifier Preset. It's two Guitars 85% / 85%.

Bass is programmed within Pro Tools we used a little Freeware Bassplugin and Sansamp with the SVT Setting.

Tomorrow i'm maybe gonna lay down vocals on it and post it again.

Thanks for your comments so far...

...and keep 'em coming!
Try the guitars at 100L and 100R, just to see how it sounds. Try just a tad bit less mids on the guitars, around the 600 range, play around in that area. It would get rid of that slight cardboard-y sound that you have right now, no offense. Sometimes that sound works, but sometimes it doesn't, IMO this time it doesn't. Do you have two or four tracks of guitars on each side? Or is it one and one? If the mix feels empty in the center after trying the 100/100 panning, double whatever tracks you have and slide them to 85/85 on the panning and turn them down a bit, but leave the 100/100 ones louder. These are just suggestions on what I personally would do, but the mix should sound how you want it to, yanno? Let me know if any of these ideas helped, and post clips of the experimentation, :).

Oh and also, try a different EQ on the guitars that you double and move to 85/85 (if you decide to try it), so that you have a different sound. It will help to make it fuller sounding.

Hey Fabz..

Sounds good man!!

I really love those drums, they sound really tight and punchy..
Now i am not going to ask you for samples, but how did you get those samples?

I am guessing from the track "born" second one, right?

But then how did you get it your song? used drumagog? kick is great as well..

I think this song could be a tad more interesting with vocals on it, but it's really good so far.. thanks for sharing the music!
Thank you Guys for the kind words! :rock:

I tell you a bit more about how i did this:

Snare and Kick Samples:

I took the first Snare hit from Nevermore's "Born" and the Bassdrum from Exodus' "Tempo".
The Rest of the Kit (Toms,Cymbals,HiHats) was from the Battery Install Disc.

I used a very cool Drumsampler by a company called LinPlug the Tool is simply called RM IV. Battery was to brutal on my CPU so i tried RM IV and it works great very easy to use also...
We programmed the Drums in Pro Tools M-Powered as well as the Bass.


Thanks for your suggestions!
It's 1 Guitar left and 1 right!
I think i'm gonna try the 100 / 100 thing today as well as Eqing @ around 600!
I'll post later to let you know how it sounds!
