Pre-Production from the upcoming Mirdyn album (including Real Drums)


Mar 11, 2008
A week or two me and my band Mirdyn rebuild the rehearsal space from a friend of us to somekind of a studio and did a pre-production for the upcoming album.
Here is one of the songs, and it's called "I wont just give this up"

All recordings were done with a Korg D3200 harddisk recorder, we played with the whole band in a single room and everyone was miced up, our singer stood in a seperate vocal booth. Not everything did go flawless, two drumfills of mine got screwed up and our guitarist did a false chord (which you can laugh about too hehe)

It's a pretty raw recording, and i did a very quick mix in Nuendo, i'll try and go through the gear that's been used.

Drums : Pearl Export kit, close miking with a cheap-ass Superlux mic set and the OH was only one mic (you have to do something with only 8 XLR inputs and two guitarists that needed 'em as well) Kick was totally replaced with a sample, and snare was 25% Sample and 75% Mic. Only to add some smack to snare.

Guitars On your left you can hear a Line 6 SpiderValve (with Bogner Tubes) and on the right you are hearing a Peavey ValveKing, both miced up with a Sennheiser e609 (i think)

Bass DI Track from a Trace Elliot amplifier, later i modded with AmpegSVX and Voxengo Boogex.

Vocals Some cheap-ass large diagraphm mic ;)

I hope you guys enjoy
damn, not bad for everyone in the room at once. You can kinda tell in the guitars but it's not tooooo bad.

Try to get the bass guitar to stick out a bit more... did you compress it? Sometimes it's there and sometimes it seems like theres a pretty big gap in the low mids/lows
Thanks guys :) The bassguitar is compressed to shit, i think it's our bassplayer that screwed up here and there ;) I love a pretty raw bass sound but our bassplayer likes a clean sound so that's a little harder to give it a spot in the mix.

Mind you that this was only pre-production, when we are going for the real deal we will probably record everything seperately (and with a click track ;) but that's for tracking drums with the guide-tracks) or maybe we'll go and play live :) I was really surprised too actually that it come out this tight, the sound quality of the pre-productions is even better than our last demo. So that's really hopeful in the future :) What do you guys think about the song?